Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with annoyance theater
Chicago based singer-songwriter and composer with a specialty in musical theater, musical comedy, and genre parody.
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More than just another studio, and just another face. Established around the Baltimore area, Steel Studios is a knowledgeable and dedicated recording studio who is working vigorously to become known as a staple for the production of rock, punk, and metal. We’ll take the music in your heart and help you share it with the world.
Pro engineer and highly creative producer in the first place. I guarantee I will take your songs to the next level and i will provide you with quality product in the end.
I consider myself a good music engineer
I'm a creative musician who loves to add unique flavor and production to whatever track I'm playing on. I love collaborating with the composer/songwriter to bring their song to life and give it an edge that sets it apart from other music!
Universidad Privada en Madrid, Pozuelo. Más del 30% alumnos becados. Líderes en trato personal. La formación de la UFV dota al alumno de los conocimientos teóricos necesarios para el desempeño de su profesión, le forma en las habilidades, competencias y talentos imprescindibles para su ejercicio y le transmite los valores y actitudes necesarios pa
متجر Google Play يمكن للمستخدمين بمختلف أطيافهم الاستفادة من Google Play حيث تتوفر الملايين من تطبيقات وألعاب Android. وسواء أكنت تحب تشغيل الألعاب، أم التنقل عبر علاقات اجتماعية كثيرة، أم متابعة أحدث الأخبار ومصادر النميمة، أم شراء تذاكر السينما وأسهم البورصة، أم معرفة حالة الطقس المحلية، يمكنك الاستفادة من متجر بلاي في الحصول على تطبيقات وألعاب
Finalist of the TV project Voice of Ukraine. I write samples, hooks, melodies and songs. I record backing vocals and give singing lessons.
Well versed in everything from stonerrock to post-metal to death metal. I excel at natural & realistic tones with modern punch & impact.
Recent Successes
"Austin is definitely an experienced professional when it comes to mixing and mastering. Very patient and easy person to work with. Definitely going to work with him on more future projects. It's a 5 star service with ..."
"Great Ears FAST FAST turn around - highly recommend GostEffects - this our 3rd project -many more to come"
"Martin has good perspective for both music and the world at large. Working with him is always an insightful and enjoyable experience!"
"Alex is a great singer. He brought energy to my track, he also has ideas which gave my track his unique feel. I would highly recommend him. Thank you , Alex."
"Amazing producer, attention to detail "
"Steven was great as every and I appreciate all of his help."
"I’ve been in business in music industry for almost 10+ years and I’ve never had a better experience on getting what I needed done in a timely matter… E was very PROMPT, and what he says is EXACTLY what he does. and as..."
"Great working with James again - He has a really brilliant way of understanding the music and the sometimes cranky artist! His skills and mastering were top class again. Thanks mister."