Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Anna Daley Young
Sean McLaughlin is an award-winning producer/mixer who has worked with a number of artists, both major and indie throughout the US. To quote a recent client: "If you want to make the best record of your life, go to Sean!"
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Mixing and Mastering, Producer, and Songwriter With Several Years of Experience and a PASSION for MUSIC!
Drumming to me is about on-the-spot improvisation and raw emotion, no matter what style of music we're playing. Rap, Country, Funk, Rock, Hardcore, Jazz, Hip-hop, etc. Fascinated by the process of creating and playing a song for the first time.
Hey! My name's Mackin. I'm gonna give you something unique. If you're looking for interesting sounds and an indie sensibility to bring your track to the next level, I'm your guy~ If you want a memorable top line that doesn't sound like what's out there, I'm your guy~ If you need lyrics that get what's in your heart into a song, I'm your guy~
Mostly I make tracks in the style of: EDM, Dance, Electropop. But I can freely do it in a different style, just write me. Don't worry if you have a small budget, we will make a cool track)
As a lifelong musician, my professional career began in 1998 as a DJ in the Drum and Bass rave scene. I hold a degree in Digital Music Technology and spent 5 years as an Assistant Manager for a Guitar Center in San Diego. I'm currently running Savage Land Recordings and have released 17 tracks on the label this year. www.havokmega.com for more.
Professional recording equipment. Mixing and Mastering ITB
Top Singer and Songwriter
English song writer and singer from London.
Recent Successes
"This is the second time I've worked with John. He mastered my latest album last year and did a splendid job! So, he was my first choice for my two new singles. He sent me two versions of each song to compare . This wa..."
"It's always a pleasure working with Taylor. Excellent communication and great musicality. We always have been able to achieve the sound we are going for together. I'm looking forward to working on the next track with ..."
""Steve, I'm honestly speechless - that was absolutely brilliant. Wouldn't change a thing. Is that actually a bit of "Canon In D Major" with a slight twist? You're really classing up the joint haha... I love it!""
"Brett is amazing, after writing the song together he’d put up a great production! Couldn’t ask for more!! Stunning result! "
"Will & Brooke are an absolute power house. I gave them a rough mix with lyrics and some rough ideas for vocal melodies and they took my song to the moon. It's very empowering to have your vision not only come to life,..."
"Like always a PRO work! Thank you!"
"Great to work with! Communicative and fast. Always makes sure I like the song! Would recommend! "