Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Anna and Elsa's Frozen Adventure (Disney Ride)
Some of my credits include Camila Cabello, Lionel Richie, Michael Buble, Andrea Bocelli, League of Legends and Assassin's Creed. I am a session musician in Los Angeles, CA. TV appearances include The Voice, American Idol and the American Music Awards.
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Hello! My name is Anatoly Koktaev. I'm mixing engineer from Komsomolsk-on-Amur, Russia.
Hi! I'm Victoria. I am a bilingual Session Singer & Vocal Producer with over 10 years of experience in session work. I've worked as a backing vocalist for artists such as Tini Stoessel & Cristian Castro, among others. I have delivered high-quality vocal tracks in English, Spanish, French & Korean, for clients all over the world!
Job consultancies
Gold certified vocalist, songwriter, and vocal producer based in Berlin. I've collaborated with top artists and producers across genres and languages, bringing versatility and a unique sound to every project. :)
What's going on! I'm a bassist for 15 years with a love for production and getting the most out of 4 strings.
New Music Friday & Viral Success | 15M+ Streams | Featured on BBC Radio 1 & UK TV Shows | Spotify Playlisting: New Music Friday, UK Viral 50, The Rock List, Hot New Bands
I'm a composer, producer & sound designer with extensive experience in the production of these genres: Soundtrack, Orchestral Trailer, Pop, EDM, K-Pop. I do Composition, Production, Mixing, Editing, and Vocal Production in these genres. I have won multiple awards as composer and I worked with multi-platinum selling songwriters (...)
Ready to elevate your film's narrative with a score that transports audiences to new emotional heights? Drawing from the rich tapestry of cinematic legends like Hans Zimmer and the emotional depth of Studio Ghibli, my music blends dramatic orchestral grandeur with ambient electronic textures and world music influences.
Recent Successes
"David was super nice and cooperative. If you need an excelent writer and producer, he's the one to go to! I will keep on working with him! Can only recommend this guy!"
"So personable, clear, and creative! Such a professional and amazing to work with. Cannot wait to get back for another song!"
"Ronald is a skillful player who has feeling and groove in SPADES!! Not much else to say just that he will get it DONE!! "
"Cristina did an amazing job translating the artist vision into a great canvas! Really appreciate Cristina's flexibility and determination to create the right graphics and animation for our team--hope to work with Cris..."
"Yung Roen was able to mix my song exactly how I imagined it before even the recording stage. He is very fast but not at all inefficient... I encourage people to work with Yung Roen, who mixed my song “Chasing you” by ..."
"It's wonderful when you come in with strong ideas about a song to find a musician who can not only bring their own amazing creative choices to a project but still implement suggestions down to the finest detail; Felix..."
"Amazing musician. He transformed the track. Hope to collaborate again. I would enthusiastically recommend him. "
"What an amazing Producer! David was amazing on this project - detailed, thoughtful, great ideas and enhancements - and very generous with his time. I will be hiring David again to help with my next project - and you s..."