Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Animal Therapy
I specialize in mixing songs with acoustic and electric instruments and vocals and getting them ready for streaming.
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An Audio Engineer with 10 years experience, studied at SAE institute.
I've been an audio engineer at live venues, recording/mixing studios, and sound design studios for the last 16 years, for local & international projects and artists. I have also composed and produced music for a wide range of purposes like advertisements & audio books.
Hello i am looking for clients to work with to make their music sound the best it possibly can.
Vencedor do Palco 98fm: Number One Music Festival - 1° Lugar Produção de Trap Music e Club (Black Music)
Toronto vocalist/producer Tom Probizanski has woven electronically laced R&B with the sounds of infectious guitar and striking falsettos under the all-encompassing alias of Zanski, which has garnered him international success. Start to finish, Zanski can produce, write, mix, and master your vision - while adding his iconic sound.
Fast, affordable, professional
Very good at making a unique piece of music.
Massive yet clear bottom end.
Recent Successes
"wondefull talented what can I say i will definitly keep working with her"
"Tony is so not like anyone else, I love his style... Until the next song my friend."
"C.Joleene's vocal skills are top level, 100%!! Each and every time I work with her, I'm totally floored with her voice and always super impressed by how fast she works too. An amazing, sensational performer - she is t..."
"Sunnie put an incredible amount of care and thought into her vocal performance and the result is awesome. Highly recommended."
"Eric responds promptly, and gives professional, high quality work...FAST! I will definitely use him more in the future. THANK YOU ERIC! "
"Second time I work with James and I'm 100% satisfied with his work. My music and his vocals matching perfectly and I just hope I will have a bunch of more songs with him in the future! 10/10 Recommended."
"Another amazing mastering job, highly recommend Ryan and his services. "
"Nick is absolutely Extraordinary! super knowledgeable, kind, generous and a cool vibe. the time flew by. Nick is uber accomplished & a true music head. we would totally recommend Nick to any other future clients t..."
"Direckt exceeded all of my expectations as a sound engineer on my hip hop album. He has 2 things that make him stand out from the rest - (1) He has a special intuitive sense about how to mix a track for the best sou..."