Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Angelika Molina
Hola! Soy Jairo Sanz Soy CEO e ingeniero de Mastering y Dolby Atmos en Sanz Estudios, un estudio boutique en el que puedo ofrecer los mejores resultados para tu canción.
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Creatives Recordings and editions to radio,tv and internet or whatever you want...dj so many times one of the best radios in Brazil.....on air on Radiorama Radio Show every saturday from 18 PM till midnight on Amazonas FM 101,5
Keyboards, Writer, Composer, Producer. www.kaleidoscopeoflife.org https://www.facebook.com/kaleidoscopeoflife.music/ https://kaleidoscopeoflife.bandcamp.com/releases
Some one of the few that still keep the Electronic Disco fire alive!
I'm a professional male pop vocalist, lyricist and songwriter. If you're looking for a producer looking for a singer, we're a match made in heaven.
Touring bassist for Samia, Del Water Gap, and others. Always serving the song.
Voice that will scare your mother's socks off.
I live lyrics. I write lyrics and top lines for rappers, pop singers, R&B singers, singer/songwriters, and more. I have studied poetry and lyricism intensively. I can work with anything from a beat to full compositions with melodies.
Portuguese-English vocalist. Bachelor of Music in Performance with expertise in body language in musical improvisation. Over 10 years of experience as a singer, skilled in performance, vocal arrangement, songwriting, and music recording. Pop, EDM, R&B, Rock and Brazilian Bossa Nova.
Recent Successes
"DAT was a pleasure to work with."
"I'm always skeptical whenever I see nothing but 5 star reviews, but Matt definitely deserves it. He's been incredibly professional, patient and helpful with me working through my first track on this platform. I'm exci..."
" brilliant vocal as always.....NAILED IT......:))))))"
"I can not recommend Carl enough, I had an outstanding experience. I came to him with 3 demos that needed a little love, and he absolutely brought them to life. He understood my vision for every single one, and was abs..."
"Each time working with CaiNo is just the best- he not only delivers what's needed, but he actually delivers much more than I was asking for!! Plus he records his fantastic vocals long before the deadline too. Honestly..."
"Her voice is pretty unique, good work in general"
"Elise was super easy and straight forward to work with, she replied very quickly and left me dumbfounded at her vocal performance. Would definitely 10/10 work with again in the future!"
"Choyce is beyond talented and has a wide range of creativity/skill. To rap/hip hop and bluegrass love songs he has delivered the best of lyrics with whatever genre of music I send to him. This guy is going far in life!! "
"I worked with Mike for additional production and mixing of my song, and he absolutely killed it. He was super responsive and worked with every piece of feedback I gave. Would absolutely recommend."