Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Angelica Irazoqui
I've been recording, mixing, and mastering for bands and solo artists for over 15 years. Love to make artist's musical aspirations a reality and take their music to the next level. I'd love to hear about your project and to discuss how I can help you make your art as great as it can be!
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AbelMixedIt is a Recording/Mixing/Mastering engineer located in Clearwater,FL. I have been engineering for about 3 years professionally, and 4 years out of private locations.
Bacharel in Industrial Design at UFES (Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo, Brasil), with a post specialization in Score Mixing at Mix with the Masters at La Fabrique Studios, France, with Alan Meyerson. Mixing Engineer at Funky Pirata Studios, Vitória, ES, Brazil, since 2014.
I'm an artist looking to collaborate with talented and heartfelt songwriters & artists. Willing to write songs for other artists, given the need and willing to provide singing on any tracks necessary for my style.
I am a session instrumentalist and a musical producer. I would love to work with you on your project and make your vision come to life!
You imagine the sound I craft it for you.
Hi there, i'm Tim, i do a lot of stuff: mixing, mastering, playing metal guitar, composing etc. If you need any help with such things, i can help ;)
Mold your ideas to a beautiful song.
Recent Successes
"Came back to use Joshua again and he again gave me great results. A safe pair of hands and he got me out of a bit of a corner with the quick turnaround! "
"Great work done by Daniel as always!!! He is my favorite guitar/bass musician I worked with!!! "
"I have worked with Celia on few of my songs and she is super amazing person and vocalist , very very flexible and eager to get through challenges which definitely makes her a hero in sound better community. I highly r..."
"Talented singer. Very easy to work with. Responsive and open to suggestions."
"Myguel is very talented. He did such a great creative melody work. His work bewitched me and he was really kind to collaborate. And he connect me with his mix-vocal professional. So they really pushed up my work. ..."
"Really Dope Engineer. Gave my music that sauce. "
"I’ve given some songs to vocalists on sound better but working with Eileen was just beyond amazing. I gave a scratch track and she gave me exactly what I was looking for in 48 hours!"
"Keat for President! Dude always comes correct with creative rhymes and a unique voice. A pleasure to work with such a driven and focused artist. "