Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Andy bumuntu
Flyest Magic (Album)
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Hello! I’m a Grammy Award-winning sound engineer (14x nominated 1x win) who has been producing, recording, vocal producing, tuning & mixing at the highest level of the industry for over 20 yrs. I'm considered a leader in vocal tuning having tuned the majority of Bieber's career and have tuned engineered and vocal prod'd most major pop artists.
Matt Warnock is a highly-skilled EDM producer, mixing and mastering engineer. His works have amassed 3+ million streams worldwide. I've help clients achieve a sound that can compete with The Chainsmokers, KSHMR, Kygo, Illenium, Zedd and more. I strive for not just 'good' but 'great'.
Music Producer residing in California. Here to make the track trapped in your head a reality. Have worked and had music placements with reputable brands such as: Nike, Adidas, Puma, Samsung and others
music technology undergraduate and graduate degree sound engineer
AceKeyz is one of the most renowned producers in the UK who has worked with a range of artists from the UK and abroad such as Stormzy, Avelino, Wretch 32, Labrinth, Ray Blk and many more! From Trap and Hip Hop to RnB and Neo-Soul, Ace allows his knowledge of keys and his skill of production to meet to allow his music to give an experience!
Performing with the hit Broadway Musical, Hamilton, recording for a variety of music, and with a background in classical music, I'm adept at a wide range of musical projects.
Audio engineer
Jacob is a Producer/Mixer/Guitar player who has assisted with engineers like Warren David and played with artist Kevin Quinn who just recently premiered a full band video on the Kelly Clarkson Show.
Recent Successes
"Matt is the real deal. I struck gold working with him. His production instincts are exactly what you'd look for in a producer. I gave him a loose framework of how I wanted my song to be produced and he ran with it wit..."
"Another great expericence with Arianna, as usual ! Highly committed, professional and fast, everything we would hope is there, thank you "-)"
"Amazing work from Ziv on this project. He turned around a fantastic part well before our deadline, and was extremely responsive and professional. Will definitely keep working with him in the future! A true pro."
"Absolutely WOW! Hope brought my song to life and she's incredibly great to work with - super skilled, professional, easy to communicate, worked with my notes and fast turnaround for revisions. I'm so so happy with how..."
"Man's a genius! Gave Chris a few reference tracks of the kind of vibe I wanted, and he hit the nail on the head first time! Replies fast, amazing quality work, I couldn't recommend this guy enough! Thanks Chris!"
"Peter and I are working through a difficult song, he just provided a sample and did it fast, and followed my direction perfectly. Good person and nice voice."
"Just one word. EXCELLENT work. EXCELLENT musicality. EXCELLENT communication. A real pleasure to work with Eileen, thanks again and...see you soon 🎶😉👍"
"Bryan has an incredible Production Sense that cannot be ignored, he always delivers solid ideas based on the material shared. Bryan always enhances my ideas!"
"Jonny is an amazing musician with a great production ear! Hire him!!!"
"A blast working with Rob. Available, fast and professional! Would recommend!"
"Great musician. This was certainly not the last collaboration between martin and me. "