Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Andrijana Arlen
I am a Professional Mix and Mastering Engineer with more than 15 years of experience and countless finished projects. I can get the best out of your song.
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mixing engineer from nyc
"Jenni Reid can make you SoundBetter." My name is Jenni Reid I'm 25, a singer- songwriter here in Jacksonville, FL. I've gone on a few national tours and opened for many sold out crowds here in my hometown. I play indie pop music personally, playing guitar mostly, and vocals.
We are a group of Sound Engineers with extensive knowledge in sound mixing, recording and mastering committed on producing heart-warming music. We are equipt with in-depth technical knowledge and keen musical ear to deliver the best possible output.
My vocals have been described as evocative, sweet, emotional, atmospheric among other words. Please give a listen to the demos and sure get in touch if you like what you hear! I sing in English, Spanish, Portuguese and French. "Lágrimas de Abril" is a 2019 Hollywood Music in Media nominated song (composed and performed by me).
A dynamic and nimble outfit that offers broad expertise in modern music mixing, mastering and audio production. ⚡ Servicing artists, record labels and publishers around the globe.
I help up & coming pop, soundtrack, and rock artists take their music to the next level by express their emotions to the fullest extent! With a diverse background in different genres, my goal is to collaborate with and help as many musicians and artists across the world as possible.
Im a guitarrist and bass player who can help you with your necesities. I play and record acoustic, electric and bass guitars :3
Multi-genre saxophonist with over 10 years of experience looking for studio work and live gigs. I'm excited to bring my sound to any setting.
Recent Successes
"Sabrina is Great and Perfect at what she does. She is fun to work with and prompt with her response. Her style and uniqueness is a crowd pleaser and I can't wait to work with her again. She will deliver above and beyo..."
"The thing I loved most about working with Lee was his love of music. I was a bit nervous presenting my work at first, but when I did my project with so much appreciation and enthusiasm. His wealth of knowledge and lov..."
"Another awesome vocal done with Eileen! Thank you!"
"Awesome working with Chandler! Super talented guy and a pleasure to collaborate with. In my experience, he usually responds to communications within just a few minutes. Knows exactly what he's doing. A Real Pro. I wis..."
"Fred is really awesome. I've been working with him for quite awhile on my EP and he is always speedy and responsive, and totally willing to listen to feedback so that you end up with the best result. When it doubt, al..."
"Philip did an amazing job. The song was exactly what I was looking for. He was thorough in his communication with me and was quick and efficient with his work. It was an absolute pleasure working with him."
"Marco has never let me down. No matter the song or style Marco and his keys show a musicality that is rare and special. I can't recommend him enough he has bought the quality of my music up in every way. He is easy to..."
"alejandra is such a pro and so patient with us,,we really appreciate her !"