Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Andrew Snakez
Crystal clear professional guitar tracking for any genre, offering both electric and acoustic setup. I can provide a solo, loops for beat production, a folky chord progression, and everything in btwn. I will send you a basic tone mix and DI. Looking forward to working with you!
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We are a team of songwriters, producers, and musicians dedicated to helping people create dynamic and emotive songs. We have the ability to craft a completed song from start to finish. Wherever you are on your journey, let us help you meet your goals!
Tracks produced and developed how you want them to sound.
I live lyrics. I write lyrics and top lines for rappers, pop singers, R&B singers, singer/songwriters, and more. I have studied poetry and lyricism intensively. I can work with anything from a beat to full compositions with melodies.
Radio ready sound, with Portuguese prices. Several airplay number ones, millions of views and plays on social media and platinum selling albums. Current winner of the Portuguese semi final of the Eurovision Song Contest.
Gotta be in tune don’t auto tune prepare for my Karrnage album coming soon your career is doom like the temple of doom.
Hi, I'm Camden :) I've worked in music for about 10 years. Most of my time has been split between my own projects (Glen Echo, Plushy, Palm Spiral) and working as a Tour FOH. During my off-season, I have no desire to do anything but mix/write/record. All work will be considered, with preference given to slowcore/psych/lofi/dreampop artists.
Hey, Guess you stumbled upon my Page I'm *KELO* - Music Producer - Remixer - Mixing engineer - Sound Designer I've worked with Multiple genres spanning a range of genres With over 8.5 Million streams currently! have a listen to my page for reference https://open.spotify.com/artist/5USLHyCuiBT2He3fZvRGwg?si=3kIxuKcBSlyop7HXMp8aNA
Recent Successes
"Four raves in a row for Mark may seem a little monotonous. What can I say? He makes silk purses out of sows' ears. I can't praise him enough."
"All I can say that this guy's numerous five star reviews are 100% correct. Sefi is probably the nicest and most supportive person I've never met. Above all, the mix he created was beyond my wildest expectations. Can't..."
"Ivana once again impressed me with her broad vocal range and enthusiasm that she puts into each and every project. Plus her communication skills are amazing, I love how she always communicates her next steps and reall..."
"Gerard as usual is very easy to work with, patient and delivers top quality mixes! He's my go to person and I would suggest you give him a try if you're looking for a professional and qualified audio engineer."
"Very professional, fast and precise. It really made a difference on my song. I was surprise that the first revision came out almost perfect. I had to find a little thing to change to get at least to revision 2 ;) . Th..."
"Working with Jon was a great pleasure for me. He is funny, intuitive and a fantastic musician. I am in Australia, and the communication was seamless. He played exactly what was required on the track. I'll be coming ba..."
"Before I even accepted the proposal, Dennis went through all my tracks, asked detailed questions, and gave me some very precise feedback. I was then pretty sure Dennis was going to do a good job for me. But what he de..."
"Mixing/Mastering sounds amazing"