Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Andrew Nagy
Recording artist, songwriter and vocal producer that specializes in progressive house, future bass, Drum & Bass and RnB.
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A shedload of real world professional experience in the music business. Started working at the age of 12 in clubs as a guitarist. Truly committed and dedicated to the art of sound.
Doug Reynolds is an expert in the field of entertainment and possesses 10+ years of experience in music production. I prefer working with people who have not yet established themselves and will work hard to make sure your songs or production are end their journey with high-quality sound.
For all your Mixing & Mastering needs feel free to contact me. Sample work will be provided upon request.
Songwritter, session guitarist, vocalist.
U Betta Play That!!
I'm high professional music producer, singer-songwriter working in various music styles, I like to make poetry and translate lyrics to the different languages, most of all - English, Spanish, Russian and others. I have high technical education. I compose new songs almost every day! Just can not stop this wonderful process :)
Knowledgeable and experienced in the field of vocal mixing as well as tuning. Affordable Pricing and revisions included!
Saxophonist, recorded solo and performed with such artists as: Schiller, Kim Sanders, Elizabeth Mitchell, Eric Marienthal, Raimond Pauls,
Recent Successes
"This is the 3rd time I have used Martin and he maintained the extremely high standards of professionalism and attention to duty which have made him such a pleasure to work with over the recent weeks. I look forward to..."
"Olga has a beautiful voice and she is very professional. She did exactly what I asked and the performance sounds great and was heartfelt."
"Audrey was very nice to work with, good communication and solid delivery all along. She has a fantastic strong voice too! "
"Scott is a phenomenal singer and great guy. He absolutely nails it every time and keeps me coming back."
"Nicely done"
"Deep bass. Loud but warm. Not only does Andres do phenomenal mastering but he also works with you to get the most out of your mix. His advice was on the mark and really helped us to work out how to make our mix better..."
"Darrell always delivers! Can guarantee a stellar mix when working with him; and takes the time to tweak certain things to your liking, at the end. Great working with him again as always. Great guy! I look forward to t..."
"Always comfortable working with Sefi! DOESNT MISS"