Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Andrew Mack
I am a professional bassist in Nashville, TN capable of recording high quality great feeling bass tracks to bring your songs to life. https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7HVkyrO8jXyfgsqoxhiFhv?si=d28454223bd54b62
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I've recorded, mixed, and produced over 150 albums. I've mixed and sound designed films, tv shows, and radio spots. I've had original music in countless films and television shows. I'm also a voice-over guy. You've heard me, you just didn't know it.
I can honestly say that I have an ear for detail. Been at it all my life. My parents wanted me to be a doctor, I tried meeting them half way. I doctor music and I am too good at it. I can composite from scratch and or replicate almost any genre out there. Still learning as I do and deliver.
I'm an indie songwriter & professional singer for more than 10 years. I create dreamy, cool, catchy, sensual, unique and vibing tracks, if that's what you are looking for send me a text! Credits include China Central Television, Universal Production Music, CELAVI (resident artist), BlueNote. Dive into my recent music video to see more
What if I tell you that you don't have to write all of your essays?
Beat maker Mix and master engineer
Daniel Davies is a Welsh mix engineer, recording engineer and producer whose skills and experience have been enhanced by mentoring from Grammy award-winning producer, Pete Smith ( The Police, Cheryl Crow, Van Morrison) and John Gallen (Queen, Motorhead, The Damned).
I am a male singer/songwriter and have written and produced multiple songs in my career and I have a youtube channel with a small following and currently have a video with about 5,000 views. I am very passionate about singing and I've competed in multiple local singing competitions and won the majority of the competitions I've participated in.
An experienced music producer, mixing and mastering engineer, composer, and DJ. Started my journey in 2014 as a music producer. I am signed with one of the best labels in Canada. I passionately love to produce versatile genres of music depending on the client's requirements.
Recent Successes
"Scott did an incredible job writing lyrics and recording a guide vocal track to my song. Thank you so much!"
"Pleasure working with Jack and having his voice on my track! He understands a track is a process and sometimes a case of trial and error until its right, and is there on the journey! Trying different keys too allowed ..."
"Working with Jes was a pleasure. Very clear communication, very well recorded stems, and above all a beautiful voice with very professional performances. I will definitely be working with Jes again on upcoming project..."
"10/10. Unbelievably talented guy. "
"Completed my song project with Iggy and the results are highly satisfactory. Iggy knows how to listen to his client and is able to make the project his own as far as dedication is concern. He will not give up until ac..."
"Was quick, thorough and very good to work with "
"Extremely talented and extremely responsible. My go to guy!"
"Very quick with response time, efficient, and open to communication! Matt listened to my notes very well and was able to incorporate them effectively. Would recommend to anyone :)"
"He was wonderful to work with! He was by far the best communicator I have worked with on this platform and off. He was super kind and understanding of my timeline. I highly recommend him!"
"Makes it work out musically the way you want everytime 🎶 "