Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with andrew goes to hell
Professional mixing for Electronic and Alternative Rock/Indie music.
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Platinum-selling mixing & mastering with a successful industry pro! Make sure your music sounds its absolute best!
OMG! The next award winning multi-platinum artist could be reading this and it could even be you! I'm a musician trying to help other musicians put their music out, and I'd be more than happy to be a part of the process.
I'm a professional bass player. I have a lot of experience playing and recording bass lines in bands of different styles. Contact me and I will make a groovy and juicy bass according to your desires.
Mixing Mastering
Electronic Music Producer , Session & Live Drummer , Mix
You can't go wrong with me! Try and see!
Producer/Composer looking for indie songwriters and film makers to collab!
Recent Successes
"An incredible harp player. You can tell she really cares about her craft and will not stop till product is exactly what you want. "
"He's the guy when it comes to your songs sounding better than before! I worked with him on a previous project and it gained alot of praise thanks to his service! Look no further, He'll give you that commercial sound."
"Chris did a great job on our track! We needed a Michael Buble sound for a holiday track and he gave us exactly what we needed with just a few tweaks. Hope to work with him again in the future."
"Merty did a GREAT JOB!! He was very flexible with me dispute all the traveling he was doing and my consistent check-in. This song was hard to write, especially without a reference from my part. He did amazing! I am so..."
"Great working with Calvin for the first time and look forward to working with him again on my other projects in the near future! "
"Always a pleasure working with Cory! He's done some excellent guitar work for my most recent project. He's got a great ear and takes a super thoughtful approach to every job in order to make sure that you come away wi..."
""Love me Loud" has always been one of my favorite songs. It was an honor for me to work with Aleesia. His voice is really beautiful and unique. Aleesia has such a professional way of working. With her there is alw..."
"Always a pleasure to work with Alessia. Great talent and all is perfect ! At the next time !"
"Again amazing funky horns from 305 Horns!!! What a pleasure to work with!!! "
"An absolute pleasure to work with Elodie I can’t recommend enough. Very patient and pays attention to details. Top shelf talent!"
"James has a great ear, we were very happy with the results of our mix ! He also made some adjustments, exactly the way we wanted them ! "