Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Andreas Langvad
I'm a versatile session drummer based in Copenhagen, specializing in rock, pop, country, latin, blues, jazz, and more. My focus is always on playing what's best for the song. People often describe my style as "tasty," with a natural ability to find the perfect part that matches the artist's vision.
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Greater LA based Singer/ Songwriter, and music producer, specialising in Pop, Electronic, and R&B stylings. *No longer receiving requests through this site, please email me directly at stwarmusic@gmail.com!*
I'm a music producer, audio engineer and studio manager. I produce all genres of music and also have a studio located in Los Angeles, CA. Please feel free to send me a message with any music inquiries. I look forward to hearing from you.
I'm an artist looking to collaborate with talented and heartfelt songwriters & artists. Willing to write songs for other artists, given the need and willing to provide singing on any tracks necessary for my style.
Making music is not just a job for me, its my life. I put my heart and soul into every record I produce, write or mix and master. I'm only satisfied when you are satisfied.
Let’s get creative and make something legendary! I am all about clarity, and warmth when it comes to a mix.
Natural Angelic Voice
Multi Platinum Producer/Mixer/Mastering located in Bern and Berlin.
Recent Successes
"Wes ist really fast and know what my tracks need to sound commcerial! Love to work with him."
"Marina was super easy to work with and absolutely nailed the job! The result was incredible and I absolutely love the recording :) I only can recommend working together with Marina, thanks again!"
"Krysta is amazing! So professional and cooperative. She makes every song something special and really let's your music come to live :) Top singer - 100% recommended to work with!"
"Joey was a man of pure talent - clean vocals, amazing BGVs, easy to mix It was awesome to work with such a talent He gave me more than what I expected Looking forward to working him again"
"Besides his great voice, J was super professional and communicative. I'll definitely work with him in the future! "
"great work from seb! also very responsive and great turnaround time!"
"It was great working with Steven! Very professional and easy to communicate with. Steven is always very reactive, replies and makes adjustments quickly. He understood the vision right away and made my song sound amazi..."
"Magnificent work as always! G was creative and listened carefully to our feedback, easy to work with and professional. Thank you again for your quality work."