Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with and original music. 2. Experimental Electronic Album: Created an innovative electronic album blending various genres and unconventional sound sources
Your vision guides my sound Together, we create the perfect soundtrack for your story Turning concepts into art from start to finish
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Fuse Audio is an online mixing and mastering service with high quality engineers. We are in a position to be able to offer our professional services at an affordable rate.
Hi. I'm Shoumik. I started out playing Drums. Eventually, I started producing Music under the name Disco Puppet.
One of the worlds top ten producers as of 2018 via iStandard. I offer a innovative sound and contribute to the music culture by offering something different. Various melodies and percussion instruments set my sound apart.
For all You music needs Zealot Media and Production has got your back. From advise in the music industry to marketing your creations. One stop shop to get all your musical ideas to audio.
If your tracks lack depth and richness, we got you!
Analog Mastering for all formats. We master full-time with a dedicated mastering suite. Records are polished here.
I am a media composer specializing in creating music, sounds and audio that are tailor-made to fit your stories, worlds, and more. Let's make something together!
Recent Successes
"Working with Nate was a awesome experience! Nate did a great job mastering my tracks and they sound fantastic! Worth every penny."
"My second project with Austin again fantastic mix and ideas. Very patient and great communication. His mastering skills are also exceptional. Highly recommend. "
"Kate really out did herself on this new project! I am very pleased with it, as always the experience of working with Kate is truly the best. If i had to sum it up, there is nothing else like it if you want to work wit..."
"One of the most exciting stages of creating my songs is when it goes to Chuck. I always know that what he comes back with will be special and elevates the song to another level... He is a true master at what he does ..."
"Alex Bone is the real deal. He brought my existing parts to life and then some with a killer outro solo that made me and my musical partner drop our jaws in the studio. Easy and wonderful to work with, and a total pro..."
"Daniel came back with a mix of my song that I didn't even consider to be possible! It was truly such a pleasure working with him! I will be back for more. "
"This is the second occasion I’ve worked with Austin, and it’s been an absolute pleasure. Really happy with the results and very communicative throughout the process. Looking forward to working with him again soon. "
"Fantastic experience with EILEEN!"
"Mioune is a very professional vocalist. Her vocal tracks are of high quality. Thanks for the great cooperation :)"
"Another fantastic master from Matt, he does what is right for your song and takes it to another level. Thank you! "