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Diego Granados es un músico y técnico en sonido y grabación Colombiano que viajó en agosto del año 2004 a Buenos Aires buscando culminar sus estudios y que por diferentes oportunidades y vueltas de la vida terminó haciendo de Argentina su país adoptivo y su lugar de residencia.
- Discovery Channel (Conociendo a mi bebe/La llegada del bebe/Como Lo Resuelven/Historias Caóticamente Hermosas/Cheff a Domicilio LA/Mujeres Traficantes/GenH/Last Chance Salon/Alerta!/Documental Infierno en Cromañon/Mudar Faz Bem/Niñera a domicilio)
- MTV LA(MTV Guik/MTV In Studio/MTV MADE SE La Carrera)
- Telefé (Mundos Paralelos)
Baritone Luther VanDross Style Vocalist With A Very Versatile Style Looking For As Much Work As I Can Get....I Am A Premier Silky Smooooove Baritone Voice Available for Sessions Throughout Ohio, If You Are Looking For A Scintillating R&B/Gospel Voice There Is None Better And Noone With A More Professionally Experience History And A Studio Savvy.
Producer and engineer with experience in multiple genres from folk and rock to EDM and trap.
Making Music is my passion , my call in life ,and the expression every artist pours into every track recorded is the inspiration I need to bring every song I mix to become the best Version possible . My skills, my passion for making music is due to the discipline and experience I have through out the years of mixing Life shows and in my studio.
Se stai cercando quel suono nuovo e moderno in Pop, R&B, Hip Hop. TechHouse e Edm ... sono il tuo ragazzo! Posso creare la tua canzone da zero o costruire un arrangiamento completo attorno ai tuoi testi / idee vocali. Colpiscimi e parliamone, sono qui per aiutarti.
Japanese-French jazz/world percussionist. Graduated from CalArts (2004) in West African Music and Dance. Studied djembe, dunduns, and balafon in West Africa. Released 4 albums as leader/co-leader (AfuriKo, Les Elles du Tambour) with reviews on London Jazz News, All About Jazz... Toured internationally with AfuriKo, Django Bates, Andy Narell...
I am a multi-genre guitarist who is currently attending college for music production at Icon Collective in Los Angeles!
With over ten years of experience in the music industry, I am a passionate and versatile composer and music licensing specialist. I currently work as a music creative sync specialist and a music coordinator at BE Music, a leading music publishing and licensing company that provides high-quality music for film, TV, and video games. Happy to help!
Recent Successes
"2nd time working with Brandon, and once again he impressed. Delivered strong, solid material. Stays professionally consistent through the whole process. He proves that he aims to provide good quality service, which is..."
"Really fast, really efficient. Great job, thrilled with his mix."
"Ashley did Amazing on the song! She’s superb in writing the lyrics needed for my song and nailed it melody wise and the entire production. She is excellent in communicating in what I want exactly for the music. "
"George is a super talented guy, really professional and easy to work with, and such a great song writer and such an amazing unique voice! One of the best singers I've heard and would recommend 11/10 times! An absolute..."
"This guy is who you need for your projects. His friendly and willing to work with you personality is hard to beat!!"
"Theodor is a very talented sound engineer and really understands what he is doing. I would highly recommend his work to anyone who is looking to get both a personalized and professional job done."
" I had the pleasure of working with Nacre, and I am beyond impressed with the results. Nacre's ability to infuse emotion into every line and contribute creatively to the song's vision stood out for me. I wholehearted..."