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Anapoima Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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The cleanest, punchiest, warmest, dynamically load-balanced and loudness competitive masters. Worked with world-renowned celebrities, artists, and deejays. Top-tier, world-class quality mastering services. 22+ Years of dedicated successful experience. 24-Hour Mastering. 2-Day Mixing Turnaround. NDA Friendly.
from analogue to digital I have been making noise for decades
I can sing anything.
MHTC is a producer/multi instrumentalist/mixing engineer who has produced music for the indie rock act, Flagship, as well as Drake Margolnick, Matthew Padgett, and Eli Prier. Produced music featured in non profit documentaries, advertisements for Mercedes Benz, as well as Wrigley field.
Mastering and Vinyl Cutting engineer Adrian Morgan. Credits include Tedeschi Trucks Band, Slowdive, Deerhunter, Beach House, Cate Le Bon, Alex G, Neon Indian, Aloe Blacc, etc.
joegarratt is a successful electronic artist and vocalist whose work has received over 10 million streams worldwide and has been supported by artists such as Diplo, Tiësto, Martin Garrix and The Chainsmokers. He has worked with many electronic artists and producers to provide industry-standard top line writing, production and engineering.
I have a passion for telling peoples stories and experiences through music. I'm a professional singer and songwriter with an academic background and over two decades of experience in the music industry. With a Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Music, I possesses a deep understanding of music theory, composition, and performance.
Recent Successes
"Very good communication and delivers what they say with good advice. Thank you for putting up with me ha ha"
"AMAZING !!!! we made 2 hits together LIL siege is just SUPER talented knows exactly what sounds good if your looking for someone to work with this is defiantly someone you should consider. 5 STARS #facts "
"Great contact and involvenment in the project"
"I really enjoyed working with James. He's very professional And Timely. The work was spot-on from the beginning and the master quality is excellent. I definitely look forward to working with him again!"
"Once again Connor brought my song to life. Connor is incredibly easy to work with and always comes back with tracks that are beyond excellent "
"Caden works relentlessly to go above and beyond the creative potential of what you thought the song could be. Good communication, professionalism, patience, and his insane creative abilities make him a killer producer..."
"So patient and creative! Absolutely loved working with Dan and getting his input. "
"Wow! Working with Jimmy was sooo amazing! Such of a pleasure working with a such expirienced producer. He leads your song on the right track. Really looking forward to work with him again!"