Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Amuzvi
Your Gateway to the Urban Sound of the Future Hello! I'm Amuzvi, a passionate music producer with over 10 years of experience in the industry. If you're looking to take your urban music to the next level, you're in the right place.
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I am bassist, can play fairly well over across genre. I have some albums that I have played for on Spotify and iTunes. Mostly into funk, top hits, RnB, gospel and modern pop
Dedicated to your audio needs!
I see sound as color. I can bring out the sensuous palette and the uniqueness of your music. I'm a good listener and I will help you achieve your vision Dolby Atmos Mix
I Know how it feels to have a bad song and that is one mistake I cannot repeat.
I am here to help you with your Sound Editing Needs! Skills Include: 8 + Years of Audio Engineering Experience! Music Recording Mixing and Mastering Sound Editing/Leveling/EQing/etc. Multiple Plugins and effects (Waves,Apple,Autotune, etc) Proficient in multiple DAW's (Cakewalk Sonar, Logic Pro X, Audacity) Please feel free to contact me
Billboard Top 20 Mixing and Mastering Engineer
Two musicians and mixers with a deep understanding for a fat and classic Hip-Hop-sound but also not afraid of progressive and new types of rap-music.
Your Gateway to the Urban Sound of the Future Hello! I'm Amuzvi, a passionate music producer with over 10 years of experience in the industry. If you're looking to take your urban music to the next level, you're in the right place.
Recent Successes
"Ohad has an amazing talent to understand what your going for and provide it in a speedy fashion. It was an Immense pleasure to work with the genius engineer! I would love to keep him all to my self! "
"Very professional, kept close contact with me while working on my project. He did his best to make sure I was satisfied with the final cut. I definitely will be working with him again on my next project. "
"Working with Keith is a joy! This was our first venture together in what is certain to become a long & extensive relationship. His music acumen, combined with attention to detail, & a constant determination to being..."
"Working with Dennis is really easy, and the results are spectacular... Quick response and great advice. He's someone who really knows what he's doing! He mastered a song for us that took away any doubts that we woul..."
"A superb vocal performance from an extremely talented musician. "
"Killian delivered excellent production for my blues rock song "Never Mine" and provided quick turnarounds for the tweaks I had - another great project together in the books!! :)"
"WHAT!!!!!!!!!!! HECK YEAAAAAAA!!!!!!!"
"Once again Yoad was a pleasure to work with! He sent revsions incredibly quickly and was happy to speak about his opinions on mastering (even though this was no means obligatory). I'm sure I'll be working with him again!"