Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Amulets
Hi! I'm a producer & percussionist with lots of experience working for artists, companies and film industry as well as a multi-percussionist playing drums, marimba, vibraphone and all kinds of items with experience in contemporary, classical, pop, rock, jazz, ambient and electronic music. I'm always very curious about new music, so let's work :)
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Semi pro with pro equipment electronic crossover Progressive dance soundtrack kind of style producer. Looking for singer or combining team up to create new kind of electronic style project. using high end equipment vst's and Cubase 8.5 On a Mac osx platform.
Music is the Best.. as Frank Zappa said.
Lux Music Design is a music and sound design studio, founded and directed by Latin Grammy Award winning producer Ernesto Santos.
Music should breathe and feel alive! I produce and mix records with life in them.
Hi, I'm Bianca, I'm a singer and a chorister. Contact me if you need a voice, to create vocal lines and choruses for your songs
Audio Engineer | Music Producer | Singer-Songwriter | Bassist @ HananStems Records
I graduated from a music school studying composition, music theory, singing and guitar playing. I am currently a university student with modern music & jazz specialisation. I love writing cool vocal harmonies too!
Mix & Master engineer with multiple years of experience working across different genres and artists from diverse backgrounds
Recent Successes
"Maygen does a grand job. She has a natural vocal style that comes across as warm and unaffected. Pleasant and co-operative to work with. I’d be very happy to work with her again at any time. Highly recommended. "
"Daniel was awesome. Great talent on the guitar. Looking forward to working with him again soon. "
"Eramir comes through every time, he is a great soloist and adds a lot of flavor to the track, I highly recommend!!!"
"Wow, the final result is WOW! Thank you thy Alien."
"My goodness... what a pleasure working with Matt. He genuinely pours so much care into his work, and brought the song sonically to a level that is everything I imagined the it could be, and beyond where anything I've ..."
"Working with Jonas brings great pleasure and results! In 4 months of work, Jonas made the final mix and master for 9 of my tracks. My tracks have become much cleaner, wider and tighter. Communication with Jonas ..."
"I'm so happy I chose Gabe. Absolutely the best. I gave him full creative control, and gave me exactly what the track needed. Had no notes and all done in one try. Just amazing."
"He is an outstanding talent with a captivating voice. With precise technique and emotional depth, he gave the project an impressive result."