Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Amame (Sienteme) - Ryoker - Danonthebeat
With years of experience in the industry, I bring a wealth of knowledge and a friendly, collaborative approach to every project. Whether you're an established artist or an up-and-coming talent, I am committed to helping you achieve your artistic vision and create music that resonates with your audience.
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Hi, I'm James. I mix, I track, and I also do FOH. I run a mix room/small overdub studio near Sheffield UK, and also travel to various studios throughout the UK.
"Master Your Music to Perfection with Hassle-Free, Top-Tier Sound!"
Quick, affordable, artist-friendly engineer. Your music is my reputation. And I don’t play with either.
IMulti instrumentalism songwriter with a strong focus on lyrical content.
Let's make great music
Violinist, Sound Producer, Composer
Hi. I'm Jim. I am a session drummer, and I can help you make an amazing song or record. Together, we can bring your music to life. Let's make something wonderful !!
Experienced musician and songwriter with an MFA in poetry interested in crafting engaging lyrics that reflect or resonate with the songwriter's intentions and capture the listener's imagination. (Also 1/2 of songwriting and production duo The Point with Producer, Songwriter - Music, and Multi-Instrumentalist Micheal Curley.)
Recent Successes
"Robert really understood what I wanted for my vocals and worked efficiently. He handled issues with ease and even sent me a video to help our communication flow more quickly. Would recommend! "
"Awesome Mastering, Vincent Uhlig gets the best out of a Song .Highly recommended!"
"I can only imagine what's going on inside Trey's mind. I imagine "El Sistema" (set the world record for having the largest orchestra with 8573 musicians playing together at one time). Trey's a MASTER. I provided a cho..."
"I did not have to wait forever for this one. He is speedy and effective. A viper on the keyboard and mouse, taking my mistakes down with his producer fangs, zap zip gone."
"Pete is an absolutely professional fantastic string player. He recorded a whole 12 Part String section within a few days and the result is great. Rhythmical very precise and perfect intonation. Thanks a lot!"
"Working with Sefi is a joy. His caring touch of perfection exceeds every expectation. "
"What an incredible experience! I highly recommend working with Will. He has a great attitude and produced what I was looking for. Will created a piece that far exceeded my expectations. The piano was full, gracef..."