Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with ALRT - My Level (Katzhu Remix)
I'm an expert mixing and mastering engineer for EDM and Electronic tracks. I'm very detail oriented when it comes to mixes, prioritize the things you want to pop, and can help make your tracks come to life. Loud or dynamic or both, it's ultimately your choice and I'll help you achieve the punchy and dynamic sound that you always dreamt about.
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Zen Media House is a multi-platform digital media company serving Los Angeles, CA. Here at Zen, you will work with our producers, songwriters, and engineers to create a masterpiece song or album. We offer high-fidelity vocal and instrument recording and mixing, captured through state-of-the-art microphones, compressors, and equalizers.
We can do it all. Songwriter to produce to mixing and mastering.
I love co-writing and will help you bringing your songs to the next level!
Mumbai based music composer – producer Prasanna Suresh, is a name that has overnight become indigenous to the new Indian music scene producing various genres such as Hip Hop, EDM ( Tropical House, Future Bass,Chill Step, etc. ) , Indian classical, Pop etc.
Are you looking to produce and finish your songs? I can help! With over 20 years of experience writing, arranging, and producing music, I have the ear and ability to help bring your songs to life! Easy to work with and committed to quality results. Contact me today and get discounted mixing and production rates. I look forward to working with you!
An engineer from London, who specialises in mixing vocals, instrumentals and full tracks in several genres. I also specialise in mastering.
Professional Producer & Engineer with a specialization in modern, in-the-box, styles
With thousands of streams on Spotify, Apple Music, and the likes, a reputation for quality and expertise, and over 10 years of experience in the music industry, I'm here to elevate your new song to the next level. And all for a fantastic price package.
Recent Successes
"Jimmy knocked it out of the park! Absolutely fantastic! Delivered an excellent top-line and I will certainly be coming back to him in the future. "
"Larry once again proved how diverse he is with his percussion abilities. The track that we worked on with this order is a ballad and the percussion arrangement needed more space and specific sounds. The results are wo..."
"We have done multiple projects with Audrey and she is a rare find. Her range, pitch and overall talent are professional level. I highly recommend her and I look forward to working with her in the future. "
"It was great to work on the second song with Daniel. He really pushed it to make it great like our first one. We found us in the song-style and he had the patience to fulfill our wishes. thx to you, Daniel, again!"
"Jaki is a really cool singer, easy to work with. I look forward to working together again."
"Andres is a wonderful mastering engineer. One aspect that I really appreciated was that he took the time to evaluate my mix, before charging me. This gave me an opportunity to further my skills as a producer and mix..."
"Brittany does it again! She pivoted and sang one of my aggressive guitar rock songs this time and TORE IT UP! This is a very versatile and obviously talented young lady. Couldn't be happier with the result-as always. "
"Brett's the man. You can't go wrong."