Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with all green
Professor at Microfusa Music Technology School and Official ACI Instructor for Avid Pro Tools. I work as a mixing and mastering Engineer for many Spanish and European Artists. If you look for Pop, Rock, Indie, Hip Hop, Techno, House even Jazz we'll found the sound you need. I offer as many revisions as needed, sound goes first.
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I love to make beats en create my own vibe with it. All rappers and singers are welcome for collabs.
I can make your music come to life. I want to help new and established musicans get the best sounding mix they can. As far as I'm concerned the mix isn't done till your 100% satisfied.
I love my passion for music ever since I was a kid!
Scored for Seis Manos (Netflix), Diving Deep, etc. Award winning producer, composer, mixing and mastering engineer.
I am PotCat. Mostly Known for Electronic Music Production. I am also a well known DJ in the Illegal Underground scene in Central and Eastern Europe. My Experience goes back to the year 2007 in Montreal, Canada and that's where i made my stage to the world of Music Production.
Helping your music come to life!
We're a multi generational production company with decades of experience in R&B, Funk, Pop and Hip Hop. Ready to bring our unique talents to the masses after years of perfecting just the right sound.
Nashville-based. Beginner or advanced artists welcome: you don't need to know a lot of technical stuff. Describe what you want to express in feelings, colors, vibes, places, melodies, or artists you like, and I'll find the sound(s) to add to your music. I'm to help you enjoy being yourself through music.
Recent Successes
"I´m really happy with Miguel´s Job again! It´s sounding great, a good relation between dynamics and volume. We have got more definition in our mix!! He was quick and polite. Thanks Miguel!"
"Emad is very talented and smart. He works very hard and is easy to work with. I wouldn't hesitate to work with him again, and I highly recommend him. "
"This is my second track with Charlene in a few short weeks. Charlene is fantastic to work with and really cares about getting it right, In fact she always does much more than that, she always provides killer vocals. S..."
"This track Glow was the second track Mark mastered for me. Now that he and I have established rapport and he knows my sound better, we were able to bring even more out of this one. Very exciting to me. He's a great co..."
"Tom delivered an amazing master with a very fast turnaround time. He added some liveliness that my track was missing and was able to do a small revision really quick. Can’t wait to work with tom in the future !"
"Great guy, great talent. Interpretation and energy 1st class. And he does what he says he will do and when. Perry is a real pleasure to work with."
"Very talented girl! :)"
"Highly Recommend!"