Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Alin shin
Berklee Alumni, K-pop/ pop/ R&B / OST /Library music producer and composer, Featured on netflix and TV, Korean Lyric, with 10years experience
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More providers:
Ableton in the streets, Pro Tools in the sheets.
Based in the Home of House Music and trained by a pioneer of House Music.
Professional quality without the cost!
UK based singer song-writer also working as mix engineer specialising on vocal performance.
I am a multi-award winning songwriter, mixing & mastering engineer
Highly experienced session singer in wide variety of genres, including jazz, pop/R&B, choral, Brazilian music, with appearances on 3 Grammy Award-Winning albums (Lyle Mays, Bobby McFerrin, Arturo O'Farrill), and 15+ years industry experience.
I'm a versatile singer and experienced musician.
High resolution audio mastering.
Recent Successes
"CA is really great to work with, Gets the job done every time. He always makes sure you are satisfied with his work. Always professional and timely. I really look forward to working on more projects with CA. Super tal..."
"Very great and high quality work! Elisa wrote three songs for me in a short time and also sang perfectly. It was a lot of fun to exchange ideas with her. Very fast processing and sending of the finished files in di..."
"Daramola turned out the a pop banger in less than 72hrs with all the quality you could want fro ma singer. He truly elevated the track to another level. 🙏"
"Despite specifiying himself as EDM-Mix-&Mastering-Engineer, I provided Bram this time a more pop than dance-related track. He still nailed it, delivered exactly what I was looking for!! "
"Sara really is an amazing artist, she puts so much heart and soul into her production singing from within and going above and beyond to polish her work. Put simply a highly skilled perfectionist whose voice clearly c..."
"Kyle still continues to blow us away! He’s so easy to work with and he really dives into the vision and energy of the project! Can’t say enough good things about him, give a try and you’ll see what I mean!"
"Tasteful, precise, and clinical. Doesn't miss!"
"Jasper was helpful, easy to work with and helped me get a great sound will hire this guy/studio again for sure. Good value too."