Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with aliados
I am Sebastián De La Riega | Music Producer | Piano Player | Over 25 years experience working with several artists of broad music genres such as R&B, Pop, hiphop. Funk, EDM & Indie.
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I work with each unique artist to find a personalized approach for their project. I do everything I can to make the sessions comfortable and enjoyable, while also staying on schedule.
I can add colors to your music projects bringing about the best production.
Do you need a quality demo for you songs to pitch to publishers, songwriting competitions or just for your own ears? I can produce Acoustic demo's with radio-ready female vocal, mixed for your sterio.
I strive to highlight the uniqueness of each artist or project that I am involved with. It’s all about your artistic expression. Focus is on composing for film and television as well as artist development and production. NOM INC. as Publisher, controls an ever growing library of varied music styles from cinematic to pop.
1 Stop Shop w/ Great Quality & Prices
Brass Driven Music Production. Songwriting, Live Brass and instrumentation. Bass playing, Keyboards. Music Studio, Vocals. Send us your track and we will Mix and master it for you!
I will produce, realize, and mix your song or topline/record vocals for your track.
Ozuna Team, hemos producido y compuesto éxitos como devuélveme de Ozuna, Flashed de Alex Rose, Ricky Martín, Ryan Castro, Franco el Gorilla… entre otros, somos productores y compositores de reggaeton, R&B, corridos tumbados, pop, y cualquier mezcla loca que te imagines!! Queremos sumar, ofrecemos contactos de disqueras, A&R, inversionistas y demás
Recent Successes
"Hiring Alex is like joining your favorite band... like a dream band. But, he covers all the instruments. And, vocals, too. So, you dream up the idea... and he brings your dream to life! "
"I cant say enough about Tony's abilities as a vocalist. He will be my go to vocalist when the time comes, Thanks for everything."
"Another great set of guitar tracks! The versatility between all stringed instruments is amazing especially his ear to layer them all together. Great stuff!"
"First time working with Stephen. He did a great job on the lead vocal. I will use him again. "
"Besides her wonderful vocals, we included on this arrangement her violin expertise which turned out awesome. We definitely are going to continue to use Andrijana."
"Curtis is a man who aims for the fences...and knocks it right out of the park. EVERYTIME. He is always on point. He is attentive and works hard to give you the best quality sound for your music. He has the "Midas Touc..."
"Another amazing project done with Kamik! He is so good! The sound quality and the ideas and melodies, extremely professional, can’t speak highly enough about him!"