Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Ali Asgar
Prince Asgar, a producer/engineer with a wide variety of technical and artistic skills
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Hi, I am a mixing and mastering engineer in Eugene, OR. I believe that the mixing and mastering process is a vitally important part of the creative process. As an artist you're not selling technology or even great sound but rather feel and emotion. I want to help your song sound as good as it can to convey the right emotion to every listener.
Written/vocal produced for Beyoncé, Demi Lovato, Enrique Iglesias, Jlo, Jason Derulo, Usher, Lil Wayne, Nicki Minaj, X factor, America's Got Talent and more.... I have been writing, vocal producing and engineering for the last 15 yrs. Been lucky enough to write, produce and work with some amazing people so far. Can't wait to work with you all
I promise to work fast, work smart, work hard, and to do my absolute best to deliver the greatest quality work that a client can imagine. I have learned from some of the best in the music business, and from that I know I can deliver the best work to you!
Producing is my passion. I love the magic of translating the artists' ideas to something that lasts forever and that people can enjoy listening to. With more than 20 years of experience in producing bands, I've learned a lot of things about people and music.
I’m a Spanish/English vocalist, writer and background singer with over 15 years experience on TV, radio, film, studio sessions and live performances.
With 40 years of experience and 100's of millions of Streams and Multi Platinum Sales, you can gain my services for your next project here at SoundBetter.
Multigenre Music producer and Sound engineer with 8 years of experience working with artists and companies. I'm available for collaboration via zoom or on site at a range of different studios that are available to me in Brighton and London.
Lyric writer for most music genres with a strong focus on dance music.
Recent Successes
"I hired Martin to mix and master my song that I will be releasing this summer. He did a superb job. Martin is a talented, perfectionist. He takes his work and craft very seriously. He mixed and mastered my song to per..."
"He did a great job mixing my track and made it sound awesome! I would say he went above and beyond my expectations. I would definitely recommend having him engineer your next project. "
"Brilliant service! Camilo! Thank you so much! You are very professional and you really know this! My track completely changed after this mastering! We will work together for more projects for sure! Thank you!"
"A1 as always. 3rd track in and more on the way!!!"
"This guy must have rock and roll ESP, I've been at this for a while,, and I've worked with many singers, Christian knows the rock and roll sensibilities that go into a song, it's a real pleasure not ha..."
"Awesome interpretation. He will take the time to give the song what it needs. I can certaimly recommend Peter if you need ‘feel and vibe’ in your songs."
"Second time working with Courtney, results never fail to impress. Total pro."
"This is my second time working with David, in my case for tuning vocals. Once again, he was patient, open to my revision requests, and got the job done right. Also a timely and well-spoken communicator. I am asking to..."
"Great work !!!"
"Always great working with Jimmy! Great communication and delivered fast. "