Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Alex Mather
I specialize in mixing, engineering, and producing singles, EP's, and LP's for independent artists and bands.
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Here at PonderRosa we have in-house engineers that specialize in various genres. Be it a hip hop record or a country record we have the right engineer for you. Not from the area? No Problem. We are designed as a retreat studio and can arrange for accomodations for our artists for the entirety of their project.
Experience recording and mixing engineer.
Each track should be different, new feelings. I love to work with a variety of artists and genres. Let's explore!
Professional session guitarist, producer, and singer-songwriter who loves to make great sounding tracks with involved instrumentation, interesting melodies, and thought-provoking lyrics. I can't wait to work with you on building your tracks!
I compose and arrange music for groups large and small, with an emphasis on vibrant musical colours and strong melodic content.
I've worked with several major and independent labels (RCA, Armada, TMWRK, etc) and I love working with old and new talent.
I have over 5 million streams on Spotify with my solo project 'bloody white'. I've worked with a number of artists with very different backgrounds. Genres that I'm proficient at producing include: Pop, Electronic, Alternative, Hip Hop, and Ambient. I also have experience writing vocal melodies for other artists.
I am a mix and mastering engineer with experience in both live and studio recordings.
Recent Successes
"Excellent! Excellent! Excellent! As always my go to guy. Im one of those people if you find something that works than work it. Thanks for excellent service. Highly recommended by me. "
"Easy communication. Professional master. Everything was done to specific details. Thank you!"
"Sorry this is so late. Lonny did an incredible job he was asked to play. He was a perfect fit. Very easy going. Even more so, an incredible guitarist. Matt Penson"
"Once again Jeff did an amazing job! Five star rating for awesome sound and easy communication! Will come back again! "
"great results once again. I impressed by Marcello dedication to add his personal and proffesional taste to the songs."
"Excellent singer, vocalist & performer. Highly recommend if you need UNIQUE vocals for your song. "
"Another stellar master that Tom made sparkle and pump. Knocked this one out of the park. Punchy, wide, bright and balanced."
"Excellent! Fast delivery and very professional, I'm very satisfied with the result. I'd like to thank you so much once again! "
"Alex is simply at the top of his game. Super professional, quick, clear communication, and most of all, great feeling and sounding grooves. Was a real pleasure and I hope to have an opportunity to work with him again. "