Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Alex Boag
Hi I’m Tim, and I’ve been working as an indie Producer and Mixer for over 25 years. I specialise in dark folk, authentic singer songwriter, edgy indie and acoustic folk pop. My sound tends to be warm and organic, but I respond to you as the artist and creator and will enable any sonic tendency you feel represents you and your work.
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Home studio with hghly renowned professional equipment and microphones, Mixing/Mastering service directly on site or via web. Single instrument or Vocal recording.
I would like to focus my work as a mixing engineer on projects I believe in. I would like to be inspired by my client's work and help them achieve what they have in mind. My goal would be to turn a great piece of music into a great sounding piece of music. I will make this happen by my extensive technical knowledge and my sense of creativity.
I'm a producer and engineer based in Milan. I have a lot of experience working with top Italian and international pop and indie artists.
I am a group member, producer, and mixing engineer for the band Jule Vera. I have written songs with A list songwriters and producers in Nashville, LA, and New York.
i can produce any form of Afro banger beat,POP beat,R&B beat with a Melodious soul beat for your yoga, And i also mix and master to your taste.
What’s up? If you’re looking to get a song written or just tied up with finishing a song, contact me and let’s get you a hit made. I’m happy to send any examples of my own songs too.
Producer, Mix Engineer, Songwriter and I'm an artist myself so I know how important each project is. I have an Associates Degree in Audio Production from NEIA. Worked mostly with local talent up until now, but I'm looking to branch out and establish some long lasting business relationships.
Producer from Finland
Recent Successes
"Scott is fast and a great mixinig engineer! Used him a couple of times now with a tight deadline and he delivers everytime! Can highly recommend Scott. "
"I was able to finally get one of my songs signed to a record label, and I credit Markiss for making my song sound professional, impressive and brining awareness to my name! Working with Markiss has been a BLAST! I am ..."
"This amazing guy and his team...after completing nearly an album's worth of work with Marcello and the expert musicians and producer he works with, I asked him to take this song in a *completely* different direction, ..."
"Working with Sefi was a great pleasure. Professionalism, listening and patience for a superb result. I highly recommend him to you ! Adeline artist, producer from Canada"
"Yoed is incredible!!! Perfect tracks - perfect sound, such sensitivity to the song, the strings/string arrangment has presence and yet complements perfectly without taking away from the other orchestration. thank you ..."
"Completed yet another awesome project with Killian. With his production quality, I’m finally starting to get some traction in the sync market! "