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Ålesund Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Industry accredited recording and mixing with an analog heart in a digital world. My name is Zakarious Collins, and I am your next mix engineer. In a world saturated with "that will work" quality, my goal is to make your music stand out in the crowd both sonically, and
AURA Entertainment (2018- Present) Audio Technology Diploma -SAE Miami (2017- 2018) Private Voice- Juliana Polyanskaya (2014-2016) A.A. Music/ Voice (2010-2012)
Remote Recordings
Programmed to make sound waves.
I am a keyboard player and arranger based in Los Angeles and am currently the keyboard player for Tears For Fears. I specialize in vintage keyboards such as Hammond organ, piano and Wurlitzer as well as all kinds of synths. As a producer and arranger I like to come up with keyboard parts that make a song unique.
Frank Colón is a specialist in Latin-Caribbean and Brazilian percussion instruments including congas, bongos, timbales, bata drums, shekere, cuica, and berimbau. As a sideman with the Manhattan Transfer for 12 years, he collaborated on two of their Grammy awards and was voted in 1988 as“Most Influential Percussionist of the Year.
I am a Chicago-based songwriter, audio and mix engineer with experience writing, producing, recording, and mixing rock and pop music.
Classically trained but molded by aggressive modern genres, Evan Zegiel is a musical powerhouse. He offers remote mixing services, takes commissions for new musical compositions, and can be heard playing guitar, bass, and tuba on his recent genre-bending album "The Human Element." He also performs regularly on tuba with orchestras in the Midwest.
Recent Successes
"Very professional and very talented! Thank you."
"Fantastic experience working with mPHATic. This was our first collaboration together and he listened to what I had to say and made great suggestions for me to make backing vocals and harmonies to enhance the overall ..."
"Johnny was GREAT!!! He does exactly what he says. Very talented and you can tell he cares about what he is delivering to you. He ask questions that lead you towards a finished product that I couldn't have been happ..."
"Ziv nailed it again! This was a bit of a different style track for me , But somehow, I guess through having done 15 somewhat projects for me, Ziv managed to understand my vision again. I cant recommend him enough. The..."
"Chicago Bob listened to the song and melody I was trying to accomplish, and did it perfect! What a great melody and a way to express word for people to hear. I look forward to working with Chicago Bob in the near futu..."
"Mariami was super AMAZING! She was super nice, communicative, and really patient with what I had given to her. I'm new to the whole aspect of writing lyrics for songs and she definitely inspired me to try harder with ..."
"Garrett is the king is mastering, open to ideas and has amazing knowledge of his craft. Most importantly you can trust Garrett, which is paramount!"
"great singer, great song writer, very professional! Definately my number one choice here~!"
"Professional as always.Anton is great to work with, easy to communicate with and awesome at implementing feedback."