Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Albert King
20 years working with Bobby Whitlock (Derek & The Dominos) ,13 years w/Delaney Bramlett. I sing and play Alto Sax (specializing in solo work). Experienced in decades of studio work and stage. With Delaney, many luminaries joining us onstage were: Billy Preston, Phoebe Snow, Jon Bon Jovi, Rita Coolidge, Mick Fleetwood and more.The Road To Austin
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Whether you’re just starting out or you’ve got a killer mix that just needs the finishing touch from a dedicated mastering engineer, I can get your music where it needs to be using the latest in industry standards and top-level anal
Highly sensitive to the artists' needs, specialising in working with singers who are unsure of the next step in songwriting and/or production.
My name is Bada. I'm a music producer, sound recording and studio engineer. I specialise in music production, mixing and mastering and have successfully recorded and vocal produced Peter Andre on his song ft Lisa Maffia, called "X" and co-produced, engineered and mixed on Craig David's, "One More Lie" (In The Shadow's) Groove Odyssey remix.
Bass player from Colombia, most experienced in hxc punk, pop punk, punk rock, all though i have played and studied reggae, some cumbia (classic colombian music) and reggaeton, love making lofi hip hop beats for fun
I can produce songs of any genre, some faster than others. I am more than willing to try out new styles and genres if needed, and will listen attentively to whatever it is you need. I can also make the instruments as personal as you want. My strongest genres would be hip-hop, r&b and more new generation type of instrumentals.
As a music professional, I know what industry executives seek in a sonic brand.
Mixing & Mastering
I create colorful dynamic drum tracks. I've recorded with Waterdeep, Kelley Hunt, Christena Graves, Sara Groves, Greg LaFollette, Alli Rogers, Wrong Kata Trio, Sara Swenson, Don Chaffer, and Lori Chaffer. I specialize in motivic grooves and colorful textures. My goal is to serve the song.
Recent Successes
"Daniela is highly professional, she knows how to translate the producer's perspective. Great communication, outstanding skills. she did a very good job. I´m very satisfied. Totally recommended "
"This guy...really has an ear. He created an instrumental from scratch. It was right on the line of what I was looking for.-Kerry Harris"
"Rich is THE BEST COMMUNICATOR i have ever worked with. If you can't explain well he will help you until he understands. If YOU don't understand he will explain it until you do in a painless easy going way so you don't..."
"Amazing vocal ability and work ethic! Ayrian went above and beyond to ensure that I got exactly what I needed. Looking forward to our next one!"
"Amazing job on the lyrics and topline! Looking forward to working with you in the future! "
"I asked Sam to crank it up on the song and man...did he deliver!!!"
"I've been using Brandon pretty much exclusively for my drumming needs. He nails it every time!"
"Gabriela is a super talent who made my demo scream success! She is very attentive to the needs of the songwriter and wants you to be pleased with the final product. She stays in constant communication and does everyth..."
"Sabrina and her quartet ATLYS are incredible. They bring such expression and musicianship to the music and brought my piece to life. I really enjoyed collaborating with them and 10/10 would work with them again!"
"He's like your friend helping support your work."