Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Akendai
Trained in multiple genres and techniques Can perform any track Can create any track
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Thanks for checking out my sound better profile. I am an experienced musician and aspiring audio engineer that covers many genres of music. I am sure I can help you achieve your musical goals. Check out my work, but most importantly- enjoy the sounds!
Hi I am Toby, I am an experienced session drummer and home studio owner. I am available to record drums and percussion for your music.
We are a group of producers of music and content creators, we can do everything about your music since the producing,mixing arrangement to the Mastering in form of Ghost Producing or Collaborations to the design's and marketing strategies too. We Resolve. It's your slogan
Hey! I'm Molly, a singer songwriter from Birmingham, UK. I have wrote and recorded for multiple dance tracks, gathering millions of streams on Spotify. Tracks I have wrote and recorded for have appeared on multiple TV shows including Love Island UK, Love Island USA, Temptation Island, MTV Geordie Shore and many more.
I'm a professional singer with more than 10 years of experience. If you are looking for lead vocals, backing vocals or a choir sound for your projects, don't hesitate to contact me.
Been playing the Hammond Organ for 50 years and it's true today as it was back then, there is nothing that sounds like a real B3 so why settle for an imitation? Love to work on your song to give it that big Hammond sound.
Hi. I've been playing guitar for over twenty years and mixing my own music for over 10.
I am capable of creating vocal masterpieces that captivate listeners.
Recent Successes
"Skam did another fantastic job! Just the best!"
"Very prompt and professional. "
"Do yourself a favor and give Paul a chance to play guitar for you. He's a great player but I think his creativity is what makes him stand out. The songs I've given to him have all been pretty much complete, but he'l..."
"It's always a great pleasure and so easy to work with Josiah, he understands the requirements of the project and just gets on with the recordings, delivering his stunning vocals each and every time! 100% most highly r..."
"Mr Oku is a great profesional , a master in his thing , he did a great job and I fully recommend him to everyone who looking for quality."
"Calvin is worth 6 Stars! Fantastic voice, HQ recordings, super fast communication! Hope to work with him again :)"
"Another super-satisfied repeat customer here! Great sounding, creative playing and fast turnaround. Fantastic!"
"Jorge, fantastic job. Fast turnaround. Good communication. All tracks, 2 congas, 2 cajon, bell and shaker, best and accurate recordings. Used congas and cajon throughout, and kicked in bells and shaker for the chorus...."
"Sometimes I get stuck on a song that I think has potential, but for some reason, I can't get it over the finish line. Michael listened to my songs and immediately understood my musical references. We jumped on a Zoom ..."