Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with afrochella
I’m FOH and a monitor mix sound engineer who have worked on a lot of studio production in Ghana I do sound for big events and presidential events in Ghana
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Hi, I’m a singer-songwriter from Northern Ireland. Can’t beat a good strong melody and chorus and that’s what I try to put together. Eclectic mix of tastes and influences, from easy to electronic. My music is on Soundcloud and Bandlab @wildcalm. Also wildcalm.bandcamp.com Love to get some feedback and always keen to improve.
Looking to work with very promising artists who want to take their music to another level. Open to all kinds of music collabs.I'm a unique, trained vocalist, composer & songwriter. Play drums. Hit contact now.
Limítese a los diseños estándar Ese mismo estudio de Google descubrió que la "alta prototipicidad" también se correlaciona con la belleza percibida. En otras palabras, lo raro no suele ser bonito. Un sitio web que sigue los estándares de diseño web tiene más probabilidades de ser amado.
Guitar player and producer
Mastering Production Engineer at Sterling Sound; previously at Jungle City Studios.
Producer, engineer and multi-instrumentalist with 10+ years of experience in the music industry as a professional musician and engineer for some of the most prominent record labels in the industry.
A live Musician...
Recent Successes
"Adam is working with me on an ongoing project. He has given me excellent advice and professional sounding mixes. He is patient, personable, and corresponds quickly and clearly. His resume' is outstanding. And I hi..."
"Loved working with Lachi again! this is the 2nd project we've done and the 3rd is already in the works! Amazing artist and very professional. Thanks! "
"Nicolas did an amazing job bringing this song to life. His ear, his vision, his creativity and skill are exceptional. Definitely at the top of his game. "
"I really enjoyed working with Philip. He came up with new approaches of the song that I had not thought of myself. The communication was simple and the final result was really good! Great Job! "
"I had a great experience working with Roy! He’s a amazingly talented guitarist and musician, and he delivered some fantastic guitar parts for my jazz tune. Great communication and quick turnaround. I highly recommend ..."
"Effortlessly talented and produced a remix which I am amped to share with the world. Dominik is a class act, and I highly recommend working with him- it’s worth it"
"Vesi is always amazing and what she brings to the songs with her cello playing is just incredible! I got goosebumps listening back to her cello parts on this latest track, and I can't wait to get more cello on my next..."