Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Adrian Chueca
Music Producer linktr.ee/AdrianChueca2025 Adrian Chueca on Spotify, Apple Music, Tidal, Amazon Music. My last work 100% made by me: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y_F-kyvb6Lo
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Freelance recording and mixing engineer. Avaliable for studio and live work.
Guaranteed Top 40/Radio ready Mixes/Masters. Specializing in Pop & Urban. 11 yrs experience. LA Based. Miami raised. Currently a freelance audio engineer/mixer working with Warner Music/Atlantic Records, Sony/RCA, Universal/Capital Records, Pulse Music Group, & TEN Music Group.
"Greatness happens when I sit behind the piano" Humble is what i have to be because the beast inside me is uncontrollable.
5+ years experience recording music as a artist 3+ years experience as a videographer
Best Graphic designer in Bahrain
ItsDumi is a young recording artist, composer and songwriter who provides artists and producers with beautiful compositions/productions and lyrics.
I am an affordable, high quality, music engineer! All self-taught and I use very high quality and professional audio equipment and software to get the most out of your vocals!
Recent Successes
"Joey was a true professional and has such an amazing voice! He was extremely easy to work with and collaborated with us to make tweaks along the way to have the best outcome. Definitely going to work with Joey again! "
"For anyone on the fence, seriously, choose Kristal for your project. Not only has she worked with some of your faves, she's also unbelievably talented, kind, and fast with her turnaround! Will definitely be working on..."
"Awesome vocals, It is a pleasure to work with Tony!!"
"Excellent sound design, excellent mixing and mastering!! He is able to tune my snare and click sound into the exact sound that i want. I am very impressed with his balancing skill. Austin was very patient with my ..."
"As everyone keeps saying, Luizinho is not only an amazing sound engineer, but he is also incredibly, INCREDIBLY kind and patient! In Turkey we would say that the man has a "SAINT LIKE" personality! Despite the fact t..."
"Again Andres did a very incredible job! We went the extra mile but it was worth it. Now I am really happy!! Thanxx, Andres! Elen :3"
"The only guy I work with now when it comes to mastering. So consistently great"
"working with Hollie once again demonstrates she is willing to go the extra mile to get her assignment satisfactory is what I admire in her determination and performance every time indeed."