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Acoustic Guitar in Argentina who worked with Argentina
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Project funding--WORLDWIDE? $200,000--$900,000,000.00 USD private loans available.?
I work hard, strongly believe in good communication, strive to produce unique and enjoyable music with a desire to push boundaries, and innovate where possible.
Mixing and mastering engineer. I work with famous artists.More than 20+ million views on YouTube tracks mixed by me.
Mikael is a trained sound engineer at Teknikhögskolan, Recordia Studios in Varberg, Sweden. He is also a guitarist and a music producer by the name Mike Degero.
Producer music electronic
Let's get you the best version of your track!
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As a dedicated music producer, I bring expertise, creativity, and a personalized touch to every project. Whether you need mixing, mastering, demo recordings, or full music production services, I’m here as your go-to music producer to make your music shine. With lots of experience and a passion for high-quality audio, I’ll work closely with you to e
Recent Successes
"Fred was very professional and even provided feedback on my mix so I could make some amendments before mastering! The master he provided was high quality and I look forward to working with him again."
"Wes delivered a fresh rap part, which we really liked! Good communication and fast delivery."
"Such a pleasure to work with- amazing talent and very receptive/understanding to ideas. I look forward to working on many more projects together. Highly recommended!!"
"Zach is great! Professional, good communicator, and fantastic guitarist. Delivered perfect tracks in a very timely manner. Will definitely hire again in the future for more guitar work! "
"Great job, thanks Nathaniel!"
"Brittany does it again! She pivoted and sang one of my aggressive guitar rock songs this time and TORE IT UP! This is a very versatile and obviously talented young lady. Couldn't be happier with the result-as always. "