Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with #ACH-INYA
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McBrayer Mastering offers professional and commercially viable mastering services at an affordable price.
Chris Winston is a music producer and recording artist/songwriter from Los Angeles, CA. His debut album, Vision From The Backseat is out now.
I'm a professionnal topliner, songwriter and singer. I can also compose music if you need it! Can't wait to make great songs with you!
Recording studio in Downtown Los Angeles. Tropical-corporate vibe, quality gear, available all hours. Come in, make some noise, and create something special.
Hey there! I'm glad you stopped by. As you noticed my name is Jenya. I've been producing music for 7 years already, but I'm currently new to this platform. Since I was a kiddo, I've been learning and honing my crafting and producing skills that I have today. My next unique production may be with you!
Hello my name is Antonius Yannova, better known as Yannova, I'm a trackmaker based in Indonesia and also I'm 20 years old. I've been making music since 2 years ago, and have studied many genres that are made. But my specialty is making EDM music especially House genre
Recent Successes
"For anyone who's reading this, this the start of a legend, the start of "Zight, Peter Forest - Keep Running". Peter's vocal is absolutely perfect for any groovy, fast-paced tracks. It's not only about his talent. He s..."
"Nolan is such a talented producer and mixer. He goes the extra mile with everything and has a great ear. I highly recommend working with Nolan on your project. This is my second time working with him, and it's been a ..."
"Jem was a joy to work with, easy to be around, very professional with a great ear. Jem delivered more than we hoped for and recorded the band live in a room as we sound at a show. Jem respected the band mixing notes a..."
"Rudiger is such a phenomenal singer. He is truly a remarkable talent. I've worked with him on a number of songs and every time he exceeds expectations."
"Multiple repeat customer... Love his work."
"Sam did an incredible mix of my Christmas single! I was absolutely blown away by the quality & sound. He completely transformed my song into the perfect warm radio mix that I was after in a very short space of time! 5..."
"Hypersia is one of the most professional guy's I ever met. Very kind, fast and always deliver very fast as well. I'll definetely will come back:-) "