Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with AceTee
Award-winning mixing engineer. 10.000.000+ streams on Spotify. Open for booking.
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I am a freelance sound engineer and also working at Solid State Logic as a service and sales engineer for the French territory. I have already worked on music, post prod and advertising projects. Interested in recording and/or mixing. Also able to produce.
Producer/Engineer based at Different Fur Studios in San Francisco... Work with artists such as Toro y Moi, KFlay, Dude York, Tia Nomore, Blimes & Gab, GRMLN etc.
**FREE**Your First Drum Tracking Is Totally Free. I am giving away better drum tracks than you can buy. Real, live drum tracks! If you don’t love what I do you can trash them without loosing. You want soul, pocket and feeling? If your drums aren’t awesome, your project suffers. Most likely it will be tossed aside! All because the drums are Subpar.
I am a Grammy Recipient (Best Dance recording) (Best Pop Album)(Lady Gaga) and professional mixing Engineer with over 25 years experience in the music industry.
Hello! My name is Michael Trepagnier. I pride myself on letting the music do all the talking in the productions that I work on. For me, that means never getting in the way of what the music tell me to do, and allowing that muse to speak through the song. Give me a shout, I can help!
French Boutique Record Label.
"Everything under the sun!" We provide any and all audio services including recording, mixing and mastering. We are timely and effective when it comes to providing the best possible sound for your music!
Si estas buscando alguien que componga las melodías y escriba las letras de tus canciones de una forma diferente y original, que puedan causar un impacto en millones de personas, ponte en contacto conmigo y empecemos a trabajar. Te aseguro que si me contratas voy a crear para ti canciones tan buenas como las de cualquier artista del mundo.
Recent Successes
"Camilo is a great mastering engineer. I'm 100 percent satisfied with the job he has done. Communicating with him was so easy and he was extremely helpful with all my questions. I do recommend him for your next track : )"
"Amazing mixing and mastering engineer. Very friendly and flexible. It sounds amazing!"
"What a great time working with Ben!!! Nice voice, friendly, very professional and easy to communicate with. Highly highly recommended!"
"The best engineer around, has a real gift. He works incredibly well with budgets, and can turn an idea into a hit song. 5 stars every time, if you haven't worked with him, don't waste your time, he's a genius. "
"Sam is talented and easy to work with. He prepared a zoom session and real time recording set. we can have direct feedback and he can make modifications during the session. It's so amazing!!"
"Bobby is one of the best assets any songwriter can have. His talent, his disposition go beyond duty, he's a 10 without a doubt. Any song that is sung by Bobby is always better. He is one of those people who make so..."
"Peter is a multi-talented producer and musician who I can only highly recommend"
"Sasha performed an amazing track to enhance the feeling of the tune. Was able to to create what I was envisioning, I look forward to working with Sasha again in the future ❤️"