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Achi Oshkhereli
Im a season sound engineer and currrently studying Sound. $50 Per song for mixing $60 Per song for mastering
Mixing and mastering from an LA engineer/producer of 8 years+
I'm an independent music producer from Australia who has accumulated over a million plays on all platforms. Find my music here - https://soundcloud.com/lojackofficial
Matt Squire is an American multi-platinum record producer, audio engineer, mixing engineer, and songwriter. His production, songwriting, and mixing credits include Underoath, Panic! at the Disco, Ariana Grande, Demi Lovato, Selena Gomez, Kesha, One Direction, Bea Miller, Krewella, Sum 41, Simple Plan, All Time Low, Good Charlotte, 3OH!3 and more.
I have work with some couples of African music stars in like minds of Ice-Prince, Busts Pop, and Frank D'Nero
My name is Ezequiel and I’m a music producer based in Madrid. I create beats and instrumentals for independent artists. My aim is to always create tracks that can transmit feelings. Hope you like them!
Adobe certified professional in Premiere Pro, After Effects, Photoshop, and Illustrator. Senior Team Lead of Graphic Arts Department at Quadron Records.
Recent Successes
"Ms.Anila is a highly talented singer. A seasoned professional and great collaborator who delivered excellence at every stage. She solicits feedback and is receptive to suggestions. Her improvisations are spectacular a..."
"Eileen’s work is awesome - again and again. She is very professional, highly musically talented and excellent on every step of the way. Eileen delivers the highest quality finished music - melody writing, vocals & pro..."
"Giampaolo is very gifted. He understands where you are going with a song and enhances it to perfection. Extremely high quality work with lightning speed turn around. As soon as I'm done writing this review I am sendin..."
"Excellent playing. Well-recorded, great sound. I highly recommend Nemanja!"
"easy communication, great playing, prompt delivery and all at an affordable price. Recommended!!! "
"I want to share my incredible experience working with Luke as a producer. He has truly taken my song to new heights. Luke's production skills are outstanding, and he's elevated the sound to a magnificent level. His..."
"I can't say enough good things about Sabrina and her quartet. They bring such life and emotion to everything they record. They have such a great dynamic together that every piece feels unified and expressive. Even the..."