Accordion in Tirana
Giving life some notes
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Gabriel Galvin is a multi instrumentalist record producer and audio engineer in Brooklyn NY.
Geoff is an accomplished drummer being involved with music since he was a child. He continues to adjust his skills appropriately for bands and their styles.
Instrumental tracks to choose from, bespoke customisation around your lyrics.
300,000,000 streams & Counting - Billboard-certified Producer & Mixer specializing in both Stereo and Dolby Atmos with over . I’ve worked alongside GRAMMY legends like Snoop Dogg & Lecrae. Berklee-trained and trusted by top platforms like Hulu, HBO Max, and Netflix.
My name is Xenontix, I have been working with music production for a while now and have been producing music for myself but also for other labels and artists. I'm using AbletonLive and will create a track for you. It can be any genre in EDM. I can create something from scratch, if you have a acapella or just a chord progression.
I'm drummer and session man. I have a passion for audio edit and video maker
Recording Engineer specialized in Audio for Image, an excellent Sound Designer, Mixer for TV series and Mastering broadcast to air . Protools specialist - Consider among his colleagues and TV series Producers as an excellent mixer of audio for image, and the on air results that charlie generates are of superb quality for on-air purposes
Proactive, creative, in focus, beatmaker, mixer, instrumental arranger Pop expert, Latin music expert, new age music expert
Recent Successes
"Once again I had the pleasure of working with Rosie. She is a highly skilled technician that knows her craft. Rosie is an excellent musician with creativity who is passionate about the projects that she works on. Her ..."
"Andro is a friendly guy and nothing is any trouble. I’ve known him for a long time and this is the first track he produced mixed and mastered for me He made everything nice a clear and gave the track some depth a..."
"Anthony was AMAAAAAZING! He was very easy to work with and caught the vision quickly. Smooth rapper and awesome beat maker! My due date for the project was September 15th, Anthony had it finished on September 5th!!!. ..."
"Zack was amazing AS ALWAYS!! :)"