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House Accordion in house
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Produced tracks for Britney Spears, Nicki Minaj, Prodigal Sunn and many others. if you vibe with my profile here let's chat and see what we can create together.
Producer/Mix engineer with a lot of credits and access to the best musicians around.
Grammy Award Winning mix engineer with a producer's sensibility for artists like Masego, DJ Jazzy Jeff, Yussef Kamaal, Ezra Collective, Kokoroko and many more.
I'm an Austria based artist/producer writing, producing, mixing & mastering all of my own songs, with which I was able to earn over 2 million streams on Spotify so far. This led to other artists putting their trust in me for their songs as well.
Here’s the deal, If you have some tracks recorded already, if you don’t want to spend 50$-200$ per song, If you want a very good demo or don’t want something too polished, I’m your man. I’m here to work and learn with you and I'll try to get the result you are looking for. At 20$/song, nothing to loose and you'll be surprised by my work.
Bon Ai (Bonani Jula) is a young producer from a small town Margate, South Africa. I grew up loving music from recording tape cassettes to vinyl's at a time where war was raging music was my sanctuary. No one taught me how to make music, because of my passion for music I had to make myself work though the odds were backed against me.
Willing to help you with your musical needs!
soy Gael compositor, cantante y productor, exploro las emociones a través de mis letras, creando una sinfonía que resonará en el corazón de cualquiera que se sumerja en tu música. tengo la habilidad de desenvolverte en diversos géneros musicales que me han llevado a trabajar con artistas de talla mundial que esperas para trabajar conmigo
Recent Successes
"I'm blown away! Quincy is knocked out some killer vocals super quickly. I wouldn't hesitate a second before using his gift for another project. Highly recommended!"
"Wonderfull!!!!! Really Great!!"
"Brent is not only a phenomenal guitarist but also a great producer.. He always manages to deliver something unique, unexpected both in terms of playing and production that really enhances the song. Working with him is..."
"I was super impressed with Tom's turnaround time, the amount of different versions he sent and the amount effort he put into my song all for such a low price point. Thanks so much Tom! Really appreciate you going so f..."
"Another solid song written with Drew - hardly any edits needed! "
"I've already done 7/8 of the work with him, for me it's simply extraordinary, I have an excellent feeling with him and he never misses a beat, now for me it's a permanent collaboration with him! for me it is indispens..."
"He did a really professional job. I appreciate the fact that he worked with me to correct even the smallest details. I really appreciate it!"
"It is daunting to find and entrust someone with your own art/music. I wasn't entirely sure how the process works but I could not have found a better, more professional and immensely talented artist than Kimera Morrell..."