Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Accidentally On Purpose
ILL DO YOUR SONGS FOR CHEAP. not a scam, im just trying to put myself out there as an engineer. i'm still learning just like everyone else, but i want to be able to give at least a direction for where you want to go.
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Professionally recorded guitar parts with a super fast turnaround. Pristine pop chops, ambient effects for electronic music and ear grabbing melodies and hooks! Bored of using the same Splice guitar loops? Message me about custom loops and guitar layers for your track!
As artists and music lovers, we believe that life itself is the greatest teacher. Thats where the real challenges lie; in a real time environment that puts us face to face with the situation at hand. Pro Studio Live emerged as an idea of giving people access to the best professionals in the music industry and learn directly from "their office", the
I am a music producer , also do sound design, mastering . I work in any genre in which it will be necessary .
Session vocalist with 20 years experience. Available for hire: recording vocals, tuning, comping to perfection, top line/lyric writing, dubbing, voiceover and narration. With a wide range and versatile timbre (Strong/Soft/Breathy/Rasp/Scream/Growl etc.). From Soft Pop to Heavy Metal.
Concrete production& arrangement. Rock vibes with melody lines you'll nod along hard
Send your multi-track for a professional mixdown. Get your track to its full sonic potential.
I'm a Young Industry-standard engineer who will make your songs be radio-ready. I have credits with spanish artists like MC Buzzz, Kidd Keo and more! Let's work.
Recent Successes
"Suvi is so awesome to work with. She went the extra mile to make sure I got the style of vocal I was looking for a nailed it. I highly recommend and will be working with her again very soon!! :)"
"If your looking for a producer that is beyond awesome...Look no further! Killian takes all songs he touches to the next level!"
"Gio has been my go-to for the last 4 releases. He instantly impressed me with his ability to be innovative. He is also very responsive to the vision that I paint for my song. You can't go wrong with hiring Gio. Lookin..."
"Jordan absolutely slayed that song!!! I barely gave direction and in one take, he hit every piece of rhythm syncopation and groove I could have asked for. He plays just enough for his part ,not too much cluttering a t..."
"Another winner with Martin! He really has a knack for dialing things in quickly - and also meets timing needs. I'm a repeat customer and will be going back to his expertise yet again."
"We hired Miguel Ángel to record 12 advertising scripts remotely: the Studio and narrator in Madrid, clients in Australia and Art direction in NYC. Everything went perfect, including real-time/no-lag ZOOM PRO video co..."