Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Abbey Studios Paris
Professional cellist and composer living in Paris, ready to record for artists around the globe, using high-quality gear.
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Medium Pizza Projects is an online media production team that specializes in media production, mix and mastering & graphic design. #ALLARTISTMATTER
Hi, I'm Sam. A passionate musician & audio freak. You can contact me to help mixing your tracks, add drums & percussion to a song, design audio for video & film, soundscaping...
I'm a multi-instrumentalist, composer and mixing/recording engineer, with university level studies of audio technology. I've worked on numerous projects and am capable of realizing full-size projects by myself. I have quite distinct tastes and a style of my own, suitable especially for indie and alternative rock.
andgmusic.com is Composing and Producing Great Music for your Art. I am super approachable and happy to discuss your project in greater detail.
Being familiar with technical music such as Dance Gavin Dance or Polyphia, I've spent years building my chops as both a musician and a producer. Eagerly awaiting the opportunity to either record intricate and advanced guitar/bass parts for your project, or even to mix them and make it sound as amazing as it was meant to be.
Mixing engineer with experience at a studio in Los Angeles, CA. My mission is to make a client's vision come true. To fill an artist with the same throat-closing excitement that I too feel as an artist myself.
Keefe Bieggar is a dedicated sound engineer, musician, and producer with over 10 years of experience. Seamlessly merging his background as a Front of House Sound Engineer with his passion for music, Keefe brings a humble and open-minded approach to the studio. Specializing in mixing, vocal production, and arrangement.
Are you searching for a unique sound that sets you apart from the rest? Do you have a specific vision for your sound identity as a brand? Let me create a chart-topping hit tailored to your style, giving you the freedom to use it however and whenever you please!
Recent Successes
"Andrew is an incredibly talented performer. I am honored to work with someone of his caliber"
"Easily can be rely on him for producing beats. Hope he would get to collab other artist. Thank you for the beats."
"Asuka did such an incredible job with my song and plays beautiful Koto. Was very quick to communicate as well. A genuine pleasure to work with! Thank you so much"
"Ofo continues to deliver his masterful and perfectly crafted productions, he always puts every effort into creating the best musical work! It's always such a true pleasure to work with him. He is incredible! "
"Brittany is my go to for vocals since early this year, so far we've completed 6 songs and I couldn't be more pleased with her work. Not only is she an incredible singer, she's smart, quick, detailed, knows her theory,..."
"Super player, professional in every way. Takes time to make things right. I like that very much. Daniel is a super talent. "