Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with aaron scott
Specialized in Brazilian music and Jazz. Own recording studio.
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Hello, My name is Sherod H. McNealy. My motto is D.S.U.I.D, "Don't Stop Until Its Done." Trust my ears and you won't regret it!
Recording $40 hr, and Mixing $100Flat Rate
Freelance/Contract sound engineer available in most cities across Mississippi.
Hi there! My name is Jacob McCaslin. I'm an award winning mixing engineer and producer living in LA. I'm obsessed with what I do and it will show in the work I do for you. Every decision I make in the studio is driven by love and intention. When I take on your project it's now our baby, and we will raise little Timmy together.
Home Studio producing since 2013, special focus on composing for different audiovisual projects including short films. Multigenre.
Over 25 chart topping years and counting mixing, mastering, producing, remixing, performing and songwriting for independent and major artists, record labels/publishers.
Often compared to Michael Bublé, my smooth baritone voice has been utilized on hundreds of tracks. Whether you need a crooner for your jazz tune, traditional holiday song, synth new wave track, or promotional song, I can help!
Recent Successes
"An experienced and professional engineer I’ve ever met in my life.. So passionate and he literally understands every single note I’ve asked him to revise and even improved it in a very productive way! Will be definite..."
"Good Songwriter and sin ver. Good ideas, patient and reasonable."
"Xandl mixed and mastered 2 tracks for me and he really gave them a great sound. Very nice person to work with, he is very willing to take notes until the track is perfect, will work with him again!"
"Ben, coming through clutch with the incredible vocals, on time, with a very fast turnaround. So dependable, and always a pleasure to work with. If you're looking for that raw emotional Kings of Leon Bon Iver Coldplay ..."
"Nathan executed my song wonderfully with max level production quality"
"Another top notch master from Jasper! Great energy and clarity, which really lifts the track to another level! An absolute pleasure teaming up again, I’ll be back for more… 🤘"
"This is the second time I have worked with Luciano and again a fantastic experience. He is really quick but also provides a top quality result, on this occasion there were a couple of things i needed tweaked and they ..."
"Kevin helped me with a rush order, and he did a fantastic job! Very easy to work with. Professional quality. Highly recommended!"