Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Aaron Aye
Written many songs for myself and others. Most recently wrote on "Designer" for the latest NCT127 album. I'll help you bring your song to life!
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studio and record label for electronic music and djing
Eight Days A Weeks is an artist centric music production studio.
I've been a music producer and recording technician since ten years ago. Working as a teacher, recording engineer, sound designer, and editor gave me a lot of experience within the audio field. Hit me up through 'Contact' button above and I'll get back to you as soon as possible!
I am an up-and-coming music producer from Los Angeles, currently in Tulsa, OK, with 10 years of experience in music production and 15-plus years as a piano player. I can build your idea from start to finish, focused on getting the sound you want. I specialize in Pop, Dance, and Hip Hop as well as genres like Folk, Country, and Gospel.
Singer and songwriter who writes across genres but mainly songs in a pop rock, or acoustic rock style. Big hooky choruses and bridges are my speciality.
Dean Martin, Elvis, Buddy Holly. I'm a Berklee Grad who's worked with multiple Grammy and Oscar winning composers. You can hear my voice on Netflix, Disney, MTV, BBC Radio 1, and hundreds of ad campaigns worldwide. A defining moment in my career was getting to sing in the same studio as Frank Sinatra at Capitol Records Studio A.
Producing, Mixing, Mastering, Audio Editing, Session Guitar (Guitarist-For-Hire), Guitar Lessons, Lessons on Music Theory, Custom Beats, Custom Sound Design, Consultations on Studio One Software and more!
Recent Successes
"I've recorded some of the most famous vocalist in the business but none of them were more professional than Thomas. When he says the tracks will be delivered perfectly he means it! No cleanup work needed. But of cours..."
"You will be lucky if you get the chance to work with Nicki! She is an exceptional vocalist and talent. If you can sing Let it go from Indina Menzel that good (check it out on youtube) then there is probably no pop son..."
"Don is a high class operator. Works very fast, willing to make as many revisions / tweaks as you want, but always nails the mix very quickly anyway. Highly recommended"
"Mark did awesome work with my tracks - as mixing engineer he gave me amazing visions of my music with results of highest quality, which I could use in my own mixing practice. As mastering engineer Mark improved all my..."
"Phenomenal musician and engineer. I appreciate all your help franZ."
"This guy is my best kept secret. So don't use him too much so hes available for me when I call. 😛😛"