Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with A*S*Y*S
The beat is one of the most important things in the mix. I'm Pavel Khvaleev, Anjunabeats, UV and Black Hole Recordings signed artist and with several million listens every year on Spotify. Get top-level mixing and mastering services for a variety of music styles, including trending Melodic House & Techno.
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Expert level, groove oriented bass player. I play to match the feel of the song, not to show off.
I Need Clarity! so if you need clear vocals and kicks that thump or punch, crisp snares and hats/ and a mix thats full, clean and suitable for the Industry then Premium Plus is your go to.
Drummers don’t always have the best reputation. As the guy who often shows up first to a gig and who yes, actually does his homework, it’s become my de facto mission to give drummers a good name again.
Here to realize all your project has to offer
Will remotely offer guitar lessons and guitar samples!
Multi-Platinum Producer/Engineer
Specializing in Hip-Hop and R&B, TUMI is prepared to level up your music to the industry standard.
If you're looking to give your music the best possible character, depth and vibe right before the mastering stage, I'll be able to accomplish that task.
Recent Successes
"If you're hesitant to pay money for someone on the other side of the country to try and bring your song to life, you're not alone. If you would like those fears greatly diminished, I highly recommend working with Sabr..."
"His professional arrangement has transformed my song. Very fast with his communication Thank you very much Paul"
"Austin is a really nice and talented guy, he did an amazing job on my song I'm gonna work with him again for sure :)) G "
"We asked Kyrie to record and write a rap part, Cardi B style. Was great. Very good sound and presence. Good communication and easy to work."
"Exceptional vocals, delivered with a great quality recording ready to drop into my project. Cesar's growl/death metal vocals are brutal and I highly recommend him!"
"KAM IS A MF BEAST! As an old school R&B head(early 2000s to be more exact) it’s hard to find engineers that can cater to that classic sound and Kam took my lil boo boo song and turned it into a classic. Vocal mix is f..."
"Philip is competent and talented. Communication is great, as well as understanding the direction I wanted to take the track. I really appreciated his mixing and production skills. He definitely took my track to a p..."