Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with 97 Minutes
Julie's vocals are featured in the F1 2021-2023 games. Her vocals can also be heard in Jeepers Creepers Reborn and 97 minutes, starring Alec Baldwin. Julie can provide quick phrases, vowels, and, lyrics for a song. She has a high range and have had 12 years of voice lessons and can sing any genre from pop to EDM to Classical.
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The last 10 years, have been working in recording studios, collaborated with many Greek and foreign artists such as Ross Daly, Kely Thoma, Giorgos Xilouris (Psarogiorgis), Magnanimus Trio, Zohar Fresco, Giorgos Manolakis, The Nile Project and many more. I am passionate about my work and trying to provide the best sounds I could sculpt.
Magnus Hyden is a producer/mix engineer running the production company, Supertonic Music, out of Gothenburg, Sweden.
Nashville based music producer, mixer, and multi-instrumentalist. I can take a project from start to finish and everywhere in between. I have credits on major label records and have learned from some of the best in town. Let make some music!
If you are looking for input on a song that you're writing or if you need a song written. You can contact me. I'm open for business.
Does searching for YouTube music tutorials at 3 am which eventually lead you to stare at the ceiling sound all too familiar? Well, I’ve been there. I’ve been inside that never-ending rabbit hole. It eats away at the very fabric of your motivation to create music. I have a proposal for you: let’s pull you out it and get your musical journey started.
Where Raw Meets Refined – Crafting the Ultimate Rock & Metal Sound!
No cookie cutter approach here. I like to weave a tapestry of sound that resonates with raw emotion, leaving a lasting imprint on every listener. I 've been working professionally in the music industry for the past 25 years.I have worked as a recording and mixing engineer, audio editor, music producer, sound designer, and foley artist.
Recent Successes
"Another great session with Scott! Always a pleasure to work with him "
"From the first letter in our conversation James was very proffesional. He answered my questions with ease, he suggested things that really suited my song. He did a mix that I'm so very much satisfied with. He did revi..."
"I worked with Chris on trumpet parts for a grand orchestral track, and I am very pleased by the result! Chris was professional, easy to communicate with, and helped with vital feedback of how we could achieve the re..."
"When you entrust your music to someone who has the same love and respect for it you do, then this will be evident in the passion you hear in the final recording. I have recorded over 30 songs with Hugo now and his pas..."
"Great work, very satisfied."
"Best engineer on soundbetter! Super fast and doesnt miss!"