Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with 8Li5s
Hi, Petro Cherniavski here. During my twenty years in the industry, I played on hundreds of tracks, produced dozens of releases and was featured in over 500 live shows, most of it being big and/or innovative projects. I produce thoughtfully and efficiently. Electric guitar is my main instrument, acoustic and bass are some other strong options.
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Hi! I am a student at Berklee College of Music. I offer online mixing, mastering, and guitar work for your songs! My passion is to help unsigned artists make professional sounding music.
Songwriter for Disney, ABC, & MARVEL.
I'm a musician; producer, composer, singer, pianist and guitarist. Recording and mixing engineer in my own recording studio.
No fuss - Committed to your project until the very end! Professional, yet affordable compositions & productions, tailor made for you.
produco da più o meno da 5 mesi e sto iniziando ad cimentarmi in questo magnifico mondo.
Sound Engineer, Experienced DJ and Producer offering mix engineering, mastering eingineering, and production consultation to make your tracks shine on the dancefloor.
Elevate your music with professional mixing, mastering, and sound design services.
Professional hybrid mastering for electronic music
Recent Successes
"Love Klaas work! he has a lot of patient Listens to everything i was needed and make it amazing! And one of the important things about klaas , Works fast and efficiently! i sure im going to work with him again! Th..."
"Excellent to work with! Excellent player! Can’t wait to do the next one with him!"
"Chris Garcia is a PRO! He knows what sounds good and what doesn't. He helps you develop and record best vocals possible in the most patient and comfortable way, loved working with Chris super nice guy, already plannin..."
"Great work as always!!"
"So easy to work with, always doing the best she can to make the song sound better. Came up with some great lines I even didn't think about. Really a delight to work with Alanna. "
"I really have one thing to say. Why would anyone go anywhere else to master a song ??? I've had my songs mastered by the highest class studios in the world - the label paid for it ;) - They did not even come close..."
"Great to work with, Filip is talented"
"A already worked together with Bram on multiple tracks and he is always on point. His delivered files are over my expections!"
"Magic drummer. What a talented musician!"
"Thankful to be working with Gabriele"