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880 30 Näsåker Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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My name is Oleg I Mixing Engineer, compose electronic music, Pop-Rock and classical.
My name is JP Aller, I studied audio engineering at FSU and am now living in LA. I have worked at some of LA's best studios (Conway Recording Studios, Clear Lake Studios) as a runner/assistant and have taken all the knowledge I've learned in my experiences to make your music or recording sound it's best.
Hi guys! I am a professional musician and composer with over 25 years experience. I play piano, keyboards,guitar and I do arrangements in a large variety of styles and I can create a professional produced recording for you ready for film & TV.
Hi there, I'm Jake from JAS Music, 24 years old from London. I've got 14 years experience as a musician, composer, songwriter and producer.
I am Alina Williamson working with www.clippingpathservice360.com as a Sr. Image Editing and Retouching expert and also a quality checker. ClippingPathService360 is an offshore outsourcing company specialized in clipping path, image background removal, image cutout, online store product photo editing, image masking, image manipulation, etc.
Hi, I'm a full-time audio engineer and music producer for more than 5 years now. I have got a lot of experience in producing tracks, vocal mixing, mixing and mastering. I have a huge passion for teaching and creating high quality music. I'm lucky enough to work with lot of artists and I love working with other artists because through that, I learn
I am primarily a lyricist and a songwriter. I can come up with the basic structure of original songs but am not skilled using instruments at this stage. I completed a music degree and I love to harmonize. I am looking for someone to collaborate with to bring my songs to life!
We aim to make a mix that suits YOUR song, quickly and efficiently. At the speed that the current industry requires, with the quality it demands, but always respecting your vision and needs.
Recent Successes
"Austin went above & beyond, delivering an outstanding end product. Being my first time ever using a service like this, Austin was very professional in handling my case and was very patient with me. Not only would I re..."
"I loved to work with Akshat! He is super talented and I am glad I found him on this platform. I have been looking into many producers and Akshat is the way to go if you want something professional."
"Leandro is a great piano player and easy to work with. "
"Second work with Sergey... and second great result!! If you're looking for someone able to bring your track to another level in term of composition and/or mixing, that's the man. He's really aware to your demand an..."
"I've used Bruce on 5 tracks. That should tell you something. He's incredibly talented, creative, fast, and great to work with him. Hire the man."
"Had a great time with Matt and loved the feedback. Nice job!"
"total pro"
"Gio is the best. He was very patient with me on this track which I appreciate. He really knows how to add that "magic" to a track. Looking forward to working with him on future projects."
"All i have to say is i'm glad i came across Aidan. Don't sleep on this profile because it has less reviews, this guy is a BEAST!"