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86 Augsburg Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Pro Tools Operator
Without feeling the need to align with any single genre, Kev's lyrics feature double entendres, visuals, and stories. The unique aspect of Kev's music is his whistle that he infuses into the beats, hook, and chorus which add energy or create a haunting aura. He has begun branching into RnB, Dance, and Pop music while also taking vocal risks.
Graduate from Berklee College of Music, demo vocalist and songwriter/producer of a variety of styles.
Noted ambient electronica composer & performer Don Slepian designs and builds electronic music studios. Difficult studio and stage performance problems solved. Tour equipment support.
Located in the DM(V) area I've been creating music and manipulating sounds, helping artists bring their visions to life for 13+ years. As well as mixing records I also provide custom beats & artwork for clients in need of those additional services. Nothing is more exciting than birthing our ideas and thoughts into reality as a cohesive unit.
Music Producer From Florence
Musician, Producer. From Lima - Peru. Styles : Instrumental, latin, pop, rock, rockabilly, electronica, chill out, flamenco, ambient.
They messed up British punk-rock together with finest southern country music.With more than 400 shows and the pure energy of rock’n’roll the two give all their blood, sweat and tears to their fans.No matter if acoustic arrangements or full plugged sets at festivals or small clubs, the ever growing crowd is overwhelmed with their full wall of sound.
Recent Successes
"It was a good experience to work with Sosa. He knows his stuff :) . Very easy and confortable to work with him! "
"Fantastic again! This guy is a true talent and now my go to guy for mixing and mastering. Thanks again for a flawless mix and master :)"
"Adam is so great to work with. He's diligent, listens to my suggestions, provides edits as necessary, and is thorough to ensure the work is done to meet your needs/desires. He takes your work and makes it better - pro..."
"Mike's piano helped elevate a piano arrangement I already had for a song I've written. He plays very professionally and can give that extra glitter you need on your song. He was also super nice and always quick to res..."
"Rodrigo is a superb composer and artist. He is very easy to work with, patient and will do everything he can to give you exactly what you want. Quality music is guaranteed with Rodrigo! Thank you!"
"Alou is probably the most patient producer around, I had a bunch of little add ons or changes and he was always happy to help, vert timely. Other than that, he does great work and add a lot of creativity. I've done 2 ..."
"Amazing job! Such a talented and friendly person to work with!"
"I am fortunate to have worked with David and I'm very happy with the song he produced for me. David is easy to talk to and a professional, and I'm very grateful for what I've learned working with him."
"Awesome work as always! 💯 "
"Chris is a genius!! He worked efficiently right from the beginning and immediately realised my vision from the first version. I'm super impressed and hope to work with him again!"