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85200 Fontenay-le-Comte Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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I am a Vocalist, Guitarist, Mix engineer and Songwriter based out of Nashville, I have been writing music and performing for years.
An award-winning composer and producer, she was inducted into the Seattle Jazz Hall of Fame in March, 2015. She is an engineer and multi-instrumentalist (guitar, bass, alto sax, clarinet, accordion) who sings four octaves, and has produced over 50 releases.
I enjoy making a great mix and love to be able to help out others with theirs! I will gladly mix and master your tracks within your timeline as well as communicate with you to get to get a final track that sounds how you want it to!
450,000,000+ Spotify streams, major label credits (artists such as David Guetta, Sigala, Ava Max, and Jason Derulo), and film and tv show placements.
Whatever you need I can get it done I have written for Jason derulo , YK Osiris , Chris brown and ect . I have mixed for various amount of artist from YFN Lucci , lil baby , Gucci mane and ect .
I founded Nomad Studio 12 years ago and have been recording, mixing and mastering ever since. I have worked for years to find the right technical set up. The studio has a large analogue component and machines chosen to make the work as warm as possible.
Let's make bass clarinet music!
Recent Successes
"Another awesome work by Jay, always great to work with him! "
"Very kind, professional, polite. I love her voice :-)"
"Fast reply and turnaround. Good mood and easy-going. Great sounding result!"
"Martin has all the sweet spots on his cello. I will be working with him often, as it was quick, right on and totally enjoyable. He also did extra tracks for good measure, went way beyond, and I had so much from him ..."
"Helped me finish up my first full song with him. Very talented and great to work with!"
"Tim is an absolute professional through and through. He is patient, and truly listens to you. Tim understands the nature of the vision behind the project. Tim was handed a piece in a genre he does not normally work in..."
"My go-to for all mixing and mastering! Rob is simply fantastic to work with."
"Quick and professional, Aaron is my go to for mastering my edm tracks. Got my track sounding loud as always"