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8280 Kreuzlingen Audio Engineers, Producers & Songwriters
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Currently a student at Ex'pression College of Digital Arts. I will be graduating with a Bachelor's of Applied Sciences in May 2016. Versed in ProTools as well as Logic Pro X
Versatile Session Guitarist, Available for shows and tours!
Hey! My name is Luka, and I produce a large variety of commercial genres. From summer-pop, to hard hitting club bangers. With over 7M+ streams on my original tracks, and over 100+ ghost-productions under my belt I surely know my way around in the music-industry.
Hi There! I'm Lyle and I am freelance Producer from Chester, UK, specialising in the recording and production of Modern Rock/PopRock/Blues records, with 10 years of production experience in professional studios across genres. I am looking to expand my career after recently moving to Australia in pursuit of opportunities within the industry abroad
Im a make it Loud
BAH Lyric is a team of artists that specialize in songwriting, music production, vocal arrangement, and session vocals. We work to bring the best out of all the people we work with.
Are you looking for a competent tutor to take your economics exam Look no further Hire an expert here and enjoy the best solutions.
🎶 Welcome to lil Beatz 🎶 Are you searching for captivating beats that will elevate your music to the next level? Look no further! With 8 years of dedicated experience in the art of beat production, I am here to provide you with top-notch beats spanning various genres including EDM, Trap, Hip-hop, Reggaeton, and Afrotap. Contact: +49 176 41354198
Recent Successes
"This guy is the real deal. I worked with a couple of other people on here and wasted my time, energy, and money. SeanQ is great with lyrics, melody, and production and he’s willing to work until you’re happy. He under..."
"There's something so beautiful, honest, tender, raw and magical about the music Young makes. I'm so good for this track to release:) "
"WOW!!! every time I work with people like this young lady, it is truly an honor and privilege. So professional, communication is excellent, she knows exactly what she's doing and gives herself to the project like it's..."
"Objectively Calvin is really professional on both sides of the music production industry. Not only he is a talented singer/songwriter, on the other hand I can see his experience and academic ability on the production ..."
"Just completed another project with Noah and it's one of my favorites. He's incredible to work with."
"I enjoyed working with Dirk. We worked on some demo’s for an upcoming project. The communication went well, and I’m really happy with the outcome of the demo’s. Would love to work again with Dirk!"