Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with 8 days after
Let me add a sweet, melodic guitar part to YOUR song!! I am an experienced recording guitarist that has played on a multitude of projects over the last 30 years.
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I strive to bring World class audio finishing to any project, ranging from music, television, film, and radio. This includes recording, editing, sound design and mixing. I pride myself on efficient and fast work flow as well as having a clear grasp on the goal of the project.
My name is Alvin Perkins and I am a native of Kansas City, MO. I have been in the music business for about 25 years in some capacity. I started out as a musician in the church as a drummer and transitioned to bass guitarist. I currently play keyboards and a music director at a church here in Kansas City, MO
JAMES ARTHUR - KYGO - KYLIE MINOGUE - LEANNE RIMES - Graham Stack is a multi Gold and Platinum Certified Professional Record Producer and Songwriter with many #1 Records and Awards. Graham has many years experience working at a very high level in Music and TV and can bring this experience to your project.
I am a multi-instrumentalist and audio worker living in regional New South Wales, Australia. Having spent the last 20 years developing musicianship and audio engineering in my local community, I feel as though I have my own skill set to offer the online community here at Sound Better.
Representative of Cuban singers and producers
I'm a songwriter, music producer, and a voice talent for song recordings, commercial jingles, and live performances. A few of my recent projects include music used in the SEA Games Philippines, Coke Studio, and Philippine Idol.
StreamingPit is a movie reviews, drama series, celebrity news site. All of the latest news and gossip from Hollywood and beyond can be found here. StreamingPit also offers insightful movie and TV reviews. Whether you're a fan of blockbusters or indie films, StreamingPit has you covered.
Recent Successes
"Frank was a pleasure to work with and I am very satisfied with the job. Great voice!"
"We just Natalie's voice for one of our upcoming tracks and the results are very very positiv. She also delivered on time and the workflow was flawless! Top artist, top professional!"
"Micah was very responsive and communicative, and I walked away with a great mix! Colorful, spatial & fat like described. I sometimes worry about working remotely with engineers, but it was clear that Micah pays atten..."
"The wonderful poet Maya Angelou says: “I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” What touches me the most about Jame..."
"Aubrey required patience with me. Her advice was spot on. The process took of getting used to but we got there. Good job. :)"
"What can I say that I haven't already said about Diego?! He's excellent to communicate with, creative and a master of his craft. You will never be disappointed with his contribution to your song. Thank you once a..."
"We always use Gosteffects for our mix and mastering as he is top notch, quick turnover, great communication and overall a true professional and nice guy!"
"Vivek did everything professionally. He came up the text and record it down himself. Everything was of the highest quality and fast enough. Thanks."