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Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with 7LC
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I'm a songwriter, producer, musician that plays multiple instruments; including blues guitar (including slide), dobro, lap steel, bass, mandolin and country piano. In the mid 90's, I worked on Music Row as a song plugger at an hit indie pub, and have written songs with multiple Music Row songwriters.
Experienced musician (bass, guitar, drums) and producer with in depth knowledge of all styles, at your service.
A creative musical brain ready to turn your ideas to realities through music
Colorful guitar overdubs for your song!
Seven figure streaming singer and songwriter.
30 years plus experience
I'm a singer and a songwriter and since 2018 I worked for some amazing artists as a ghostwriter. I studied at the Musician Institute of Hollywood and I'm releasing my first EP in 2024.
Recent Successes
"Oh man, Chris is one of the biggest talents I have met so far! What an artist and singer. He can sing soft, low, belt, hit the highest notes - for a songwriter he is a dream come true! Always a pro, great quality and ..."
"Mark is a very modern Producer with his finger on the pulse.....If you are looking for that modern sound go for it....Already working on the next one"
"David worked promptly in delivering my song, whilst paying close attention to any revisions that were needed to ensure the vision you're after was met, delivering a great mix and master in the end. Easy to communicate..."
"Amazing voice & amazing communication! Superb quality & nailed all the extras as well (i.e. Adlibs / Doubles etc.) - couldn't have found someone better for the song! 10/10 can recommend! "
"I have worked with Eddie for the second time. Amazing professional he is! Thank you very much Eddie and until next time!"
"Matt is a fantastic mastering engineer. I really appreciated his notes for my song to edit before he mastered, in order for us to get to the best possible version after his master. He was really open to feedback and c..."